
Sinqobile Tessa
SORRY SIGHT: Mary Mubaiwa

Lack of humanity in Mary Mubaiwa’s case

In a normal setting, a terminally ill person cannot be tried for crimes allegedly committed, because it is inhumane to do so.

But here in Zimbabwe, I guess humanity does not count – especially if the complainant in the case is a big fish!

Mary Mubaiwa, the ex-wife of Vice President, Constatino Chiwenga has been on trial for close to two years, facing charges of attempting to kill her then-husband in July 2019 while he was in hospital in South Africa.

She is also charged with laundering US$1 million.

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The 44-year-old former model’s applications for stay of prosecution due to her failing health have repeatedly been thrown away; at one time she was accused of feigning illness despite being visible sick.

The mother-of-three has been seriously ill for almost four years and has so far lost two limbs, her right hand and left leg, to lymphodemaa, swelling caused by a build-up of lymph fluid in the body, between the skin and muscle.

Images of Mubaiwa are heartbreaking. She no longer has two limbs and her remaining leg doesn’t look good either; it won’t come as a surprise if she loses that leg and eventually the other remaining arm.

She had her flaws, inflated ego, pride and was uncouth but at this stage, those she wronged should me humane enough to at least not torture her further with court trials. Even if she was found guilty, she wouldn’t be sent to prison in that state.

It is known that the country’s judiciary system is not completely independent and that obviously the Magistrate dealing with her case gets orders from the complainant on how to deal with the accused.

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Some people also have no sympathy for Mubaiwa; they say she deserves all the suffering and pain she is experiencing, both emotional and physical as she was a gold digger who married 69-year-Chiwenga for money and not out of love.

We may have our views about her, but surely anyone with half-a-heart must feel a little sorry for her!

In other news, motorists in Zimbabwe are in for nightmares on the roads as the Mugabe era policing style is back.

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During the late Mugabe’s era, driving was a nightmare as there were roadblocks all over with officers demanding spot fines for very petty issues.

When President Emmerson Mnangagwa came into power in 2017, things changed drastically as traffic cops had their wings clipped.

Sadly, our honeymoon on the roads has come to an end as the new police boss has reportedly ordered a crackdown on motorists and knowing our police officers, they will find fault in cars and the drivers just to get cash.

What this basically means is that one should make sure they always have loose change on hand to give the traffic cops when the need arises – and it surely will!


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