Big weekend Friday 20 October 2023

Big Weekend
FRANCO's NEW HIT: Dibambara


It will be a session of bottomless meat on the 28thof October at Beasts on Fire festival to be held at Gaborone Rugby Club- Wharic Park.

There will be plenty of Game, Beef, Chicken, and Lamb meat served at the event. Many local DJs will also be providing music.

Gates open at 12 noon and the meat will be served from 1300hrs until 1900hrs.

Revellers will enjoy all kinds of succulent meat cuts while they watch the World Rugby final on the big screen at 7pm.

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Big weekend Friday 20 October 2023

The limited Early Bird special is ongoing, with tickets going for P290 Single tickets and P550 for Double Tickets which are already sold out.

After the special, a Single ticket will set you back P400 while, P700 will get you a double ticket.

The event is free for kids under the age of 12 and P150 per ticket for those over 12 years.

Visit or scan a QR code at Touchdown Restaurant and Pub to secure your spot.


South African gospel artist Conny Lamola is the main act for the prayer worship show which will be held on the 11th of November at Word of Christ Ministries Block 10.

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Big weekend Friday 20 October 2023

A rich and elaborate lineup of Segomotso Shuping, Gaone Mampane, Gaolatlhe Kamboo, Prospect Mofomme, Pasela, Diphala Tsa Gauta, Kgethego Setati, The Captives of Christ, Abraham, DK Selwane, Agnes Ntswejakgosi, Ompatile, Mogomotsi Kwapa, Mogakolodi Dudu, Sacos, Gaone Selebo,Mpho Loeto, Township, Ivy Salim and Stanley Gopane is expected to thrill the crowds.

Pastor Sebowe is the motivational speaker.

The show will start at 6pm till 6am the following day.

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Tickets are sold for P100 general and P150 VIP and P200 VVIP.


The king of Kwasa Kwasa Frank Lesokwane popularly known as Franco will this Thursday drop a single called Dibamabara.

The title of the track means someone is holding a grudge against the music legend, but it could also translate to mean, ” The Road he is rough.”

The song is about a certain Gabane village elder who has a natural hatred for the Ke Lela le Lona hit maker.

In the song, he mentions that it makes him reluctant to go to his home village because of the dusty and rough road.

He also says that he tried to consult with a traditional doctor Rabeisane who warned him not to set foot in Gabane.

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