Suspected goat thief dies in police cells

ILLUSTRATION: Corpse in a morgue

A 48-year-old man suspected to have stolen a goat reportedly died in police holding cells this week Monday after being badly assaulted by the mob the previous night.

It is alleged that the Mmathethe, Tebogo ward native was on his way home from entertainment on Sunday around midnight when he tried stealing his neighbour’s goat which made some noise while being chased.

When the owners went to investigate what was happening they reportedly found the suspect with a knife placed on the goat’s neck trying to kill it.

That was when more people came and started assaulting the man before they took him to Mmathethe police post together with the exhibit (goat).

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He was later taken to Goodhope police station cells where he was detained.

The following morning, during the inspection of cells, the suspect was allegedly found by one of the cops lying motionless on the floor and was later certified dead after a medical doctor from Goodhope Primary Hospital was called to the scene.

Assistant Superintendent Bigani Mpindi of Goodhope Police confirmed the incident, but was reluctant to shed any further details as he said investigations were still underway.

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