Old men, dead cat and slaughtered chickens

Cathrine Moemedi
PROTESTING HIS INNOCENCE: Sitenge says his cat didn't do it, DEMANDING COMPENSATION: Lekgoa wants to be paid for his slaughtered chickens (L-R)

A bizarre fall out between two elderly neighbours over a dead cat and several slain chickens landed before Maun Magistrates Court this week.

Nyangana Lekgoa has filed a lawsuit against his fellow pensioner and next door neighbour in Boseja ward, Sam Sitenge, accusing the other man’s cat of slaughtering 39 of his prized chickens.

Lekgoa is demanding P3, 030 in compensation, insisting over the course of a 14-month reign of terror, the furry feline devoured his helpless hens and chicks.

In the claim, Lekgoa notes that he repeatedly warned Sitenge to watch his cat, as it had been sneaking into his yard to eat his chickens.

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“Between February 2023 and 15th April 2024, the cat killed a total of 15 hens valued at P90 each amounting to P1, 300, and 24 chicks valued at P70 and worth P1, 680 altogether,” complained the old man, adding he got so fed-up he eventually killed the cat.

Lekgoa revealed he intends to call a second neighbour, who will testify that Sitenge’s cat has been feasting on his chickens, leaving him with no option but to take the matter into his own hands.

In his Counter Arguments, Sitenge accused the complainant of rushing to file the lawsuit to escape the one he had already filed against Lekgoa for killing his beloved pet.

“I have reported him at Boseja Kgotla for killing my cat which he claims has been eating his chickens; that is why he has brought this case to court. My cat never ate any of his chickens like he alleges, it was seen chasing my chicken not his!” insisted the cat owner.

In another twist to an already unusual case, Sitenge further revealed he intends to call the same neighbour to his defence as she was present when his cat was chasing his own chicken.

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“The cat did not kill the chicken, it was just scaring it!” he added.

Meanwhile, Lekgoa has been advised to file quotations to confirm the chickens’ market value and back up his claim.

Due to a massive backlog at court, the matter has been set for 4 February 2025.

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WATCH: In an unusual case at Maun Magistrate Court this morning, neighbours Nyangana Lekgoa and Sam Sitenge are clashing over a livestock dispute. Lekgoa has filed a lawsuit accusing Sitenge’s cat of eating 39 of his chickens! 😱🐓
#MaunCourtDrama #ChickenVsCat #BizarreLawsuit #BotswanaNews #TheVoicebw

Posted by The Voice Newspaper Botswana on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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