A bolt from the blue

Sharon Mathala
GRIEF STRICKEN: Tlhabologo Primary School Students

Lightning strike kills two and injures five

The old saying that lightening never strikes the same place twice will mean little to the victims of a single lightening bolt that left two dead and five injured in Gaborone last Tuesday.

The force of nature struck with the violence of a bomb blast in a scene of horror that shocked witnesses say will forever be etched in their memories.

The incident occurred in Gaborone West in front of Tlhabologo Primary School.

When The Voice Team arrived at the scene at around 5 PM – barely an hour after the tragedy that claimed the lives of a 52-year-old woman and 10-year-old girl, it was eerily quiet.

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According to a traumatised neighbour who witnessed the freak incident, the 52-year-old victim was a hawker outside the primary school.

The young girl was buying sweets from her when the lightening struck.

“As the storm threatened others left, but the woman remained behind since she doesn’t stay far from the school. At the time school children had just dismissed from class and so they were scattered around the entrance,” the neighbour said.

“Out of the nowhere there was a big blue light in the sky, then a loud sound followed by complete silence.

“There was a lot of activity around the school entrance as you can imagine when young children knock off. There were taxis hooting and people roaming about chatting, but after the lightening struck there was complete silence. For a few minutes there was no movement until one passerby screamed out,” the neighbour added.

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“I ran to the scene and found the lifeless woman lying there. She was a light skinned woman but her skin was burnt. I didn’t get a clear look at the young girl because the school authorities quickly came and rushed her and other injured students to the clinic,” the witness told The Voice.

At the time of going to press the family of the deceased woman were too distraught to comment.

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The School Head who was at the school entrance at the time confirmed the incident but refused to discuss the matter. “I am still too traumatised,” was all she could say.

According to G-West Station Commander, Onious Maziba, the police will not be conducting investigations as they, “do not suspect any foul play.

“We received a report that lightening had killed two people, a 52 – year-old woman and a 10-year-old girl. Five others were treated for injuries but I have been told they have since been discharged from hospital,” he said.

The area Member of Parliament (MP), Christian Greef’s office expressed their sorrow and condolences.

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