Ethiopian illegal immigrants busted

Christinah Motlhabane
IN CUSTODY: Some of the accused men

Ten Ethiopian nationals appeared before a Francistown Magistrate Court this afternoon charged for illegally entering Botswana.

Mohammedur Fayissa, Mihereto Daniel, Bulloy Alamu, Dana Sulto, Mesrat Tafessa, Birul Teshoma, Masfin Mekuru, Darsa Solomon, Adam Demechu and Marhun Mathews were arrested in Tonota on Saturday en route to South Africa without any travel documents.

The 10 accused persons whose ages range between 22 and 31 opted to use Amharic language in court.

They all pleaded guilty to the offence and all asked the court to expedite the matter so they can return home.

State Prosecutor, Paphidzo Kuda then secured their remand stating that they do not have any place of abode in the country.

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They were therefore remanded in custody and will be back in court tomorrow.

The 10 were nabbed travelling in a local combi together with three Batswana and two Zimbabweans who were also arrested.

Follow The Voice for an update on the Batswana and Zims who allegedly aided the 10 Ethiopians.

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