Youth whipped for slapping mum

Leungo Mokgwathi
WALLOPED: Loago's fists landed his bum in big trouble

A drunken youth who ruined Christmas Day by smacking his mum in the face in an alcohol-fuelled rage received a painful present this week when he was sentenced to four strokes of the cane.

23-year-old Loago Koboyankwe was found guilty of common assault for slapping his mother, Dolly Koboyankwe at their Block 9 home on Christmas morning last year.

According to the facts of the case, heard before G West Customary Court on Wednesday, Loaga came home completely sloshed after a night of heavy drinking.

When confronted by his mother over his boozy state, the young man reportedly went berserk, breaking the TV before turning his anger on his mum, who had little option but to call the police.

Speaking before court, Dolly admitted this was not the first time her son had turned violent after boozing.

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“He has a habit of coming home drunk which starts arguments that end with him beating me up,” she said, adding she fears his fiery temper.

Dolly further explained she lives in hope that her boy might one day change his wayward behavior, which is why she has not kicked him out or even sought a restraining order.

Once again showing her maternal instincts, she pleaded with court not to send Loago to prison.

“All I ask is that you rebuke him for being disrespectful and hitting me, but I don’t want him to go to jail,” she stressed.

Presiding over the matter, Kgosi Arnold Somolekae confessed he would ideally have preferred to lock the unruly youth up to ‘straighten him out’.

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He also cautioned women against the nature of tolerating their abusers, warning it was a vicious cycle that often ends with their death.

Despite this, Kgosi Somolekae spared Loaga the slammer, instead ordering he be flogged four times, made to do manual labour and quit alcohol.

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He further recommended the youth, who pleaded not guilty, be taken for counselling.

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