The price of a rude message

Oleosi Kgosi
IN HOT SOUP: Mathibe

A 34-year-old woman who insulted her friend’s private parts during a bad-tempered row forked out P200 on Monday to save herself going to prison for six months.

Self-employed Winnie Mathibe was dragged before Broadhurst Customary Court this week to answer for her loose tongue.

Charged with using insulting language, Mathibe pleaded guilty, admitting she indeed sent a rude text when bickering with her friend, Matlhogonolo Bannalotlhe, at their shared residence at Marang ward, Broadhurst on 12 November last year.

“Nyoo yago madam, ga o botlhale mosadimogolo ke wena (Your vag*na madam, you are not intelligent, you old woman),” is the x-rated message which landed Mathibe in trouble with the law and was presented before court in the form of a print-out.

In her defence, although she admitted being in the wrong, the Mabalane native insisted it was normal for the two ladies to insult each other, especially after arguing.

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“I accept the offence,” she meekly told presiding Kgosi, Segametsi Pule, begging for leniency on the basis that she was a first-time offender who had made a ‘dreadful mistake’ – one she promised never to make again.

Mathibe further requested court to direct a plea on her behalf, to be forgiven by Bannalotlhe.

In her ruling, Kgosi Pule expressed disappointment at the accused for her terrible language, noting she must be held accountable for such.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Mathibe was told she would be spared jail time providing she parted with P200 by the end of the day – something she duly did, saving herself half-a-year in the slammer.

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