School head faces indecent assault charge

Daniel Chida

Westwood International School head, Robert Jones is back in the news for all the wrong reasons.

Jones landed in hot soup last week when concerned parents at his school started circulating strong allegations on social media platforms that he had indecently assaulted their children.

By the end of the week a criminal offence was filed against him at the Broadhurst police station and he found himself facing a charge of indecent assault brought forth by parents of a 16-year old student.

Although this publication is reliably informed that the number of complainants against Jones is expected to rise with two more girls having come up with similar accusations against their school head, Broadhurst Police Station Commander, Superintendent Obusitswe Lokae confirmed that they were currently investigating the 65- year -old man for a single count of indecent assault.

“We received a report that some female students were complaining of how he entered their change room when they were naked. The girls felt unsafe and told their parents who opened a case with us,” explained Superintendent Lokae.

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While police investigations are ongoing the School Head is said to have voluntarily stepped aside from duties that require his presence on the school grounds.

“The School Council also announces the appointment of Michelle Jacobson as the Acting Head of School for actions that require presence at the school.”

“The Council is doing everything possible to bring this matter to a close as quickly as possible,” reads a letter from the School Council to parents.

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