Murder accused taxi driver denied bail

Francinah Baaitse
DENIED BAIL: Godfrey Kgosiemang

A Maun Magistrate Court has denied bail to Godfrey Kgosiemang, a murder accused taxi driver, due to concerns that his release could potentially obstruct the course of justice and pose a threat to another person’s life.

Kgosiemang is accused of killing his girlfriend’s 6-year-old son, Osi Chakona, and attempting to murder the boy’s mother, 30-year-old Oboletse Chakona, two months ago in Maun in an apparent fit of rage.

In rejecting his bail application, Chief Magistrate Theebeetsile Mulalo expressed serious reservations about the possibility of the accused targeting the second complainant and causing her harm if released on bail. “I find that the accused person is likely to commit repeated criminal offenses while out on bail. There is a clear indication that the accused person could obstruct the proper course of justice should he be released pending trial.”

Before the Maun Magistrate Court, Kgosiemang faces three criminal charges brought forth by the state.

The first charge is murder, the second is attempted murder, and the third is malicious damage to property.

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Mulalo emphasized that Kgosiemang had not disputed the prosecution’s claims that he committed these offenses while already being a convict in other cases involving violence against individuals.

The background of the case reveals that a dispute between Kgosiemang and his then cohabiting partner, Oboletse Chakona, turned violent on August 8th while the couple was en route to their home in Matlapana ward.

Kgosiemang reportedly threatened to harm the woman, but she managed to escape from the car and sought refuge in another taxi.

Tragically, Kgosiemang took the boy as collateral and later that night set fire to the woman’s car parked at their home while police were searching for him.

He turned himself in to the police the following morning, allegedly with the deceased boy’s body in the car’s trunk.

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Mulalo expressed the prosecution’s fears that if Kgosiemang were released on bail, he might carry out his intent to harm the boy’s mother, who lives in fear of him.

The Magistrate also revealed that Kgosiemang has a prior conviction in the Broadhurst Magistrate Court in Gaborone for assault and unlawful wounding.

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He had reportedly stabbed his then cohabiting partner in a fit of rage, leaving her for dead.

The girlfriend survived, and Kgosiemang was charged with illegal wounding, a less serious offense than attempted murder.

Given Kgosiemang’s admission in court that he has anger issues, the court emphasized the need to protect society against him, especially considering the country’s ongoing struggle with gender-based violence (GBV) offenses.

The main case is scheduled for the next mention on November 9th, 2023.


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