Makaleng music fest donates to Pelaelo JSS

Kabelo Dipholo
DELIVERED: MMF crew and the school management

Organizers of the annual Makaleng Music Festival (MMF) have kept their promise to donate part of the show’s proceeds to uplift the community from which they operate.

The festival, which is an initiative of a newly formed company, Audio Fly Enterprise, was successfully launched at Club If Not Why Not in Makaleng Village on 24th December last year.

This Monday, MMF Director, Morebodi Nakedi, in partnership with Modiri Marotsi of Vototo Charity and Councillor Edwin Kgosiemang, handed over toiletry to Pelaelo Junior Secondary School in Makaleng.

“We made a promise prior to the successful inaugural launch that we intended to adopt a school in the village and use part of the proceeds to help the school meet some of its needs,” he said.

Nakedi explained they decided to donate toilet paper to the school as hygiene has taken on new significance due to the Covid-19 enforced ‘new normal’.

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“We grew up in this village, and this school opened doors for us as teenagers so it is the right time to give back,” added Nakedi.

Last year’s debut festival was headlined by artists such as Oscar Chakabuya, DJs Missy, Howard, Black More (RB2) and a host of young Makalaleng-based DJs.

As well as their plan to adopt the village’s junior school, MMF organizers also promised to purchase a DJ set which will be used to empower young DJs in the village.

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