In an effort to revive their fading fortunes, three Kwaito stars have teamed-up on a blazing new track. ‘Dlala’ sees the trio of Skazzo, P Mag and Uncle X once again join forces in an attempt to rekindle their fire of old. The Petla’s Tavern singers will be hoping to repeat the success of their last collaboration, when ‘Dololo’ dominated the airwaves.
P Mag is best known for his hit ‘Pusha Summer’ while Skazzo lit-up the Kwaito scene with the massive ‘Hoof Hoof’ before trotting off into the darkness.
“With this latest project, our aim is to revive our brand, Petla’s Tavern and also some collaborations with other artists who will be willing to join us. We are coming back to take our spot,” a confident Skazzo told Big Weekend.
The upbeat single oozes classical Kwaito – it remains to be seen if the modern market welcomes them the way they did back in the day. RATINGS: 7/10
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