Gambling authority commence hearings for gambling establishment licences

Baitshepi Sekgweng
COMING SOON: Gambling Establishment licenses

Gambling Authority has started the process of hearings with applicants for Gambling Establishment licences for gambling machines with limited bets and payouts (commonly called Limited Payout Machines).

The process which started on Tuesday (August 20th) attracted applicants, members of the public and interested parties.

In seven days time, the process is expected to have concluded with applicants having received the outcome of their applications.

However, it will not end there, as citizens will still be afforded an opportunity to enter into partnership arrangements with companies which will be licensed as Route Operators to introduce gambling operations in their businesses.

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GA intends to roll-out 1900 Limited Payout Machines gambling machines throughout the country with interested individuals expected to showcase adequate knowledge about the sector of the gambling industry and its challenges before signing any contract with any company intending to operate these machines in the country.

“Gambling by its nature is addictive and can contribute to insurmountable socio-economic challenges if not properly regulated. Conversely, if gambling activities are properly regulated, gambling may serve as a formidable catalyst for socio-economic growth and development in the form of citizen inclusivity, job creation, promotion of tourism, investment, contribution to the economy in the form of gambling levies and taxes and dedicated corporate social responsibility programmes undertaken by licensees,” said the board chairperson of GA Marvin Tito at the commencement of the hearing process in Gaborone.

The request for applications was published inviting interested parties to apply for Gambling Establishment – Gambling Machines with limited bets and payout during the 15th-18th of January 2024 period, resulting with seven companies responding to the expression of interest and submitting 16 applications.

Only Route Operators will be licensed to roll-out 500 Limited Payout Machine each with minimum citizen shareholding participation of 40 percent and these machines will be installed in liquor restaurants, bars, pubs, hotels, guest houses and taverns which are termed LPM Sites and are expected to be opened throughout the country.

“This project was conceptualized to create an environment for licensing of possession, installation, and operation of gambling machines in permissible small, medium and micro enterprises mainly operating in the entertainment and leisure market. The intention of the Authority is to use operation of gambling machines as a catalyst for economic development and empowerment of citizens. The issue of intended licences will enable citizens to participate as shareholders in companies which will be found suitable by the Authority to hold such licences, thereby acquiring knowledge and experience in this sector of the gambling industry,” said Tito adding that the participation of citizens in these licences will bear economic benefits for citizens in the form of dividends and profit-sharing arrangements approved by the Authority.

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In addition, the roll-out of these gambling operations in the country is intended to create job opportunities and in the broader sense, contribute to the revenue basket of government in the form of payment of levies and taxes.

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