From the pew to the pulpit Meet Prophetess Hannah, Mother of All Nations…

Boitumelo Maswabi
VOCAL: Prophetess Tebo Hannah

It is not everyday that one meets an anointed woman or man of God who doesn’t only pastors a church but also is involved in community building initiatives while working a full-time top job at a regional body/organisation.

However, Prophetess Tebo Hannah, also known as ‘Mother of All Nations, is one such.

Indeed a mother of all nations, the unapologetic critic of what many of us term ‘fake prophets’ for their obsession with material possessions and the flashy lifestyle, Prophetess Hannah runs Kingdom Fellowship International Ministry in Tlokweng, is an HR professional, and organizes Kids & Teens Pageant Global Botswana.

The inaugural edition of the contest, which attracted young beauties to the Grand Aria Hotel in December, saw the stunning winner, Thabelo Ramalefane, travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last week to compete in the international grand finale event among other cuties from 36 countries where she was crowned second princess.

Voice Woman sat down with the servant of God to talk about this latest achievement – grooming young girls to become self-assured, virtuous and woke individuals – her fascinating ascension from the pew to the pulpit, as well as her views on the ‘prosperity gospel’.

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Congratulations on a successful pageant, which culminated in the country rep being crowned second princess at the international grand finale. Please introduce yourself to Voice Woman Readers…

I am Prophetess Tebo Hannah from Kanye Village.

I am the first born in a family of five.

When I was young, my mother told me that I was a prophet.

At the time, I hadn’t a clue what that meant, but she explained to me that she experienced numerous miracles, signs and wonders when she was pregnant with me.

So, I am a born prophet; I could foretell countless events, even those that would happen globally, like an impending plane crash or the demise of someone, and such would indeed come to pass.

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Tell us more…

Hannah is my spiritual name.

Jesus appeared to me in a vision, bearing a piece of paper written on it, “Prophetess Tebo Hannah”.

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At the time, I was actually running away from my calling.

Moreover, my childhood church, the Seventh Day Adventist church, objected to the things I used to utter – the prophecies.

The pastor would shut me up and even label me satanic.

I’d been having many dreams and visions, and could also declare healing and restoration on a sick person and they’d report back that they’ve been healed, which led me to consult a sangoma.

One day, I fell violently ill, and I had a dream where I was told that if I didn’t answer my calling, I would die.

Thereafter, I visited a spiritualist, who used both a Bible and traditional stuff/muti. He was honest with me and said he couldn’t help me because I have been called by God.

That piqued my interest, so I forced him to assist me. He slaughtered a chicken and took me to a hill, reasoning that would help me.

Though I warned him that if he proceeded to perform those rituals, and he was not a man of God, he’d die, he went ahead with them.

Unfortunately he is no longer with us.

When the Lord introduced me into the prophetic, the voice of the Lord was crystal clear to me. It said, “ You are going to meet people in the world and tell them the root cause of their problems.” That is what I do.

There’s a proliferation of churches and assemblies led by pastors and prophets who have failed to prove they’re genuine. What is your take on that?

A lot of people are facing economic hardships; hunger is the real cause of this problem and most force their way to the pulpit purely for fame and fortune.

It’s why I don’t take tithes and offerings.

In my church, I encourage congregants to identify a need in the church or in their community and thus assist.

If you see that there’s a shortage of chairs, or a good PA system, or anything at all, then contribute towards that.

We tithe by buying food for the less privileged.

I believe God has blessed me as I’m working; there are some projects I am involved in.

God cannot tell you to just sit and pray.

There’s a time for everything; to pray, eat, bath and work.

I think a lot of pastors have a spirit of laziness and dependency; they want easy money and an easy life – to be provided for – yet the bible is explicit in Genesis 3:19, NIV: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground…”

If one is called and released where they were mentored and given the word to go and open church, I believe it is okay.

And people are gullible; some members are complicit in this thievery…

The world is under siege currently.

Most people don’t have time to read the Word of God, however, they do have time to run after prophecies and miracles.

You want a husband, I ask you to sow a seed for a man to marry you.

After several months, or even years, you’re still unmarried, become frustrated and start going from church to another, looking for a solution.

All you need to do is seek God.

Charlatans are taking advantage of desperate people seeking help.

We have allowed the devil to deceive us.

There’s nowhere in the Bible where God tells a prophet to tell someone to sow a seed!

As long as you read the Bible, you will know the 5 types of giving and stick with them.

The Holy Spirit must minister to you to sow a seed, likewise tithing and offering; you must be led of the Spirit.

Tragic! Let’s move away from church. On a lighter note, what inspired you to start pageantry?

I grew up participating in beauty pageants.

I won Miss Mosielele Primary School, Miss 4B and Miss Traditional Dance.

Back then, however, parents did not offer much support to help us showcase our talent.

In 2014, I started running the beauty pageant.

I go around Primary and Secondary schools and have auditions to scout for girls interested in joining competing.

Pageantry can require a lot if hard work and can be time consuming, tell us about the process and events leading up to the finale.

Every Saturday we meet with the girls preparing for the event.

And there are professionals I engaged to come and teach them about Life and Etiquette of how to handle themselves.

What criteria did you use to select your top 20?

There are Judges who will be having questions for interview them and select those who won

What qualities do you look for in the finalists, and ultimately the queen?

A girl with composure and willing to learn

Aside from proceeding to Malaysia to compete at the international contest, what is the young queen expected to do upon return?

The young lady has to continue with their projects, which they specified that will do of giving back to the community…

Who were your sponsors?

Our sponsors are Kiron Studios, Grand Aria Hotel and GUC University.

Last words…

I am passionate about grooming young girls to be self-aware and confident, discover their identity, and also have a voice in their community.

You cannot rob someone who knows his or her identity.

If you don’t know your identity, you follow the wind and seek validation in others. You are easily robbed of your dreams because your life depends on what everyone tells says.

Knowing your identity boosts your confidence thus you can make wise decisions. It builds your self-esteem.

I also teach them the Word of God.

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