Farmers’ summit set to cultivate success

Christinah Motlhabane

Shashemooke is about to witness its very first Farmer’s Summit, and it is promising to be an event like no other!

Taking center stage at the Shashemooke Mongoose Park on June 29th, this summit is gearing up to be a game-changer for all things farming.

Organized by none other than the hometown hero, Kereeditse Moradu, a rising star in the farming scene, this summit aims to arm farmers with the tools they need to thrive.

Whether you’re a greenhorn just starting out or a seasoned pro, this event has something for everyone.

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In an exclusive chat with Kereeditse Moradu herself, she spilled the beans on what attendees can expect: “We’re rolling out the green carpet for 70 eager participants. It’s going to be a power-packed day with expert insights on both horticulture and livestock farming. We’re bringing together the best and brightest in the field to share their secrets to success.”

But this isn’t your average snooze-worthy conference.

This summit is all about rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty.

It’s about fostering a community where farmers can come together, swap stories, and brainstorm ideas to take their farms to new heights.

“We’re tackling the tough stuff head-on,” Moradu reveals. “From overcoming challenges to turning small-scale operations into cash cows, we’ve got it covered. And let’s not forget about the juicy horticultural hacks and livestock management tips that will have farmers seeing green in no time!”

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Moradu herself is no stranger to the dirt.

Since 2022, she’s been cultivating her own success story, growing everything from lettuce to tomatoes with flair.

And if that wasn’t impressive enough, she is also the go-to gal for seedlings, helping fellow farmers kickstart their own green dreams.

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