E-pharmacy brings convenience to Jwaneng hospital patients

Portia Mlilo
Dr Seleke-Motsu

Jwaneng mine has introduced the Collect & GO™ smart locker system (ePharmacy), a first in Botswana which allows patients from Jwaneng and surrounding villages to pick up their medication after hours or during lunch breaks.

Dr Rachel Seleke-Motsu of Jwaneng Mine Hospital says the e-pharmacy has reduced queues and congestion for medications

According to Seleke-Motsu patients have to be registered with the doctor in the hospital, especially those with chronic diseases. When they are due for their medication, the patient simply notifies the doctor with a text message and prescription and a pin is sent to a patient to use to collect the medication. The system which was launched last year September was installed at a cost of P1. 3 million.

Speaking during the hospital tour, Jwaneng Hospital Superintendent Dr Seleke-Motsu said the medicine collection process takes just 30 seconds. She said the system is secure, the patient information is confidential and it is only those authorised who have the right to access it.

“Our patients really utilise the service and it is convenient for them. At the moment, it is only a few with chronic diseases who enjoy the service. It has 236 lockers and in a month over 4700 patients collect their medication. When a patient collects medication, the system notifies the operator and if we give a patient 24hrs to collect and fail to do it, we call them,” said Seleke-Motsu

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E-pharmacy brings convenience to Jwaneng hospital patients
General Manager Koolatotse

For his part, Debswana Jwaneng Mine General Manager, Koolatotse Koolatotse said this is part of their Social Corporate Investment. According to Koolatse the solution was introduced during the outbreak of Covid in order to get medicine and care to the communities. Koolatotse said the mine continues its commitment and investment in the sustainable development of communities.

“This is a 24hr electronic service and the hospital doesn’t have to call the doctor to physically come to the hospital during the night. 74% of our patients are not our employees but residents of Jwaneng and the surrounding areas. We care a lot about our communities and one of our achievements was the introduction of the Oxygen Generating Plant which harvests oxygen from the air and produces 500 liters of oxygen per minute or 2.5 drums per minute which is 30 thousand liters per hour. This equates to 150 drums per hour. The plant has a backup of 24 bottles all connected to an automated system for contingency plans such as maintenance. The project was completed at a cost of P3.5 million,” said Koolatotse

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