Double tragedy

Gofaone Koogotsitse
LAID TO REST: Selebatso

Husband, 52, kills himself to ‘join’ 71-year old dead wife

A 52-year-old man whose elderly wife died on September 25th, committed suicide on Independence Day because he could not live without his woman.

The loving couple was buried on Saturday in Peleng ward, Lobatse last weekend.

The 71-year old wife, Tshegofatso Selebatso died of a short illness on a Monday after complaining of stomach pain for three days.

Two days after the wife’s death the devastated husband, Sedilakgotla Selebatso left home accompanied by his nephew to a bar in Lobatse to celebrate Independence Day.

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Selebatso later excused himself, claiming that he had to go and check on his friend but never returned.

After countless calls by his nephew went unanswered, the concerned nephew notified his relatives and they in turn reported Selebatso missing.

Lobatse Police Station Commander Superintendent Boitshepho Kaisara, confirmed that the husband was found the next day hanging from a tree.

He said before he committed suicide, Selebatso had sent a text message to one of his in-laws that read: “Tla ke ye ko mosading wame (Let me go to my wife).”

“Funeral arrangements for the wife had to be halted as a decision was taken to bury the couple together. The family decided that since they suspected no foul play there was therefore no need for a post mortem,” explained the station commander.

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The loving husband worked for Wayguard Security Services while Tshegofatso worked for Ipelegeng. They were described by the neighbours as a humble, loving and friendly couple that really loved each other deeply.

“This was a real couple, the two had become one. We have never heard them quarrelling. Not even once did we hear the wife raising her voice to her husband, they just loved each other. Theirs was indeed true love,” said a neighbour.

The couple did not have children and both their parents had died.

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