Where is our baby’s corpse?

Portia Mlilo

Young Couple to sue Princess Marina hospital for baby’s missing corpse

Devastated parents of a baby whose corpse went missing from Princess Marina Referral hospital mortuary are beginning to lose hope of laying their little boy to rest.

Distraught and angry, the grieving father of the baby, Tsapalame Laba said that although there is no price tag to his child’s body, he had decided to sue the hospital for negligence.

Laba decided to institute a legal suit after him and the mother of his child, Gomotsegang Makumbi were sent from pillar to post for one month as the hospital promised to find their stillborn baby’s missing corpse.

Speaking in an interview, 23- year -old Makumbi said in the early morning hours on August 26th, severe abdominal pains landed her at Bokamoso Private Hospital where she was examined by a doctor and told her placenta had detached from the baby and blood had choked the baby to death.

“I was referred to Marina since I could not afford further medical attention at Bokamoso. At Marina I was admitted and the doctor recommended labour induction. I gave birth at around 8 pm. I was told the baby was a boy, weighing 1.2kg and we should arrange for his burial,” said Makumbi

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The distraught mother from Maun then called the baby’s father and family to arrange for burial but two days later when her family went to the hospital mortuary to collect the body it had gone missing.

After several hours of waiting, the hospital management broke the sad news that the body was lost.

Makumbi stold of how it was difficult to find closure because she didn’t know who took her baby and for what reasons, adding that what surprised her the most was that on the register, it showed the mortuary had received the body.

Narrating the heartbreaking ordeal, Laba said they had already paid for the grave and bought the coffin.

Where is our baby's corpse?
BABY’S AUNT: Oganeditse Laba

“The security officer told us they couldn’t find the body. I was gutted. We left the coffin at the mortuary hoping they would find the body after a thorough search but up to now we are still waiting.”

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Laba also said Marina hospital management had promised to provide them with counselling but never did.

“It is a very difficult time for Gomotsegang, she struggles to sleep and eat. Marina will pay for this!” He lashed out.

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Meanwhile the Ministry of Health and Wellness Permanent Secretary, Kabelo Ebineng said they were doing all they could to find out what happened to the remains of the baby.

Ebineng further noted that they met with the parents on Wednesday to give them an update about their investigations but there was no new information except to tell them the baby was still missing.

Central Police Station Commander Superintendent Mothusi Phadi confirmed that they had received a report of a missing corpse at Marina hospital on the 28th.

He said the investigation process is a long one, as they would have to interview doctors who attended the victim and the hospital management.

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