‘We want to vote!’

Daniel Chida

BNF youths speak out against proposed Interim Committee

Billed as the generation to take Botswana National Front (BNF) forward, disgruntled youth members are unhappy with the party’s plans to form a Youth League Interim Committee without holding elections.

Speaking to The Voice on a condition of anonymity, the youths revealed they were never consulted on the decision to forgo the voting process despite expressing interest in standing for office.

Dismissing the move to cancel the Youth League’s elective congress as ‘clouded in secrecy’, they declared, “We only learnt about the decision during last month’s party press briefing.”

At the briefing, BNF Secretary General, Moeti Mohwasa announced that following the failure to hold BNFYL central committee congress last May, a resolution was taken that an interim BNF transitional committee be appointed at the next central committee meeting.

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“Tona Mooketsi and Nelson Ramaotwana have been tasked with Youth matters at national level,” disclosed Mohwasa.

This has not gone down well with the youth who ‘forked out their hard-earned cash’ campaigning for Youth League positions.

“It is clear that all along when we were campaigning, the Central Committee knew there was not going to be any Congress. They don’t take us serious but we are part of the BNF and deserve some recognition too!”

When contacted for a comment, BNF Publicity Secretary, Justin Hunyepa confirmed an interim Youth League structure is being established as per the BNF Central Committee resolution in a recent meeting.

“Those to be consulted will be engaged accordingly. A team has been set up to establish the youth structure and it will carry out its mandate in a professional manner. It is an on-going exercise as we speak and not everyone will be consulted but the team will do it’s best to engage key stakeholders,” responded Hunyepa.

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