The silent and underperforming MPS

Daniel Chida

Moabi leads the pack

The Third Meeting of The Fourth Session of The 12th Parliament will come to an end this Friday. The Winter Meeting is normally a Bills Meeting for both government and Private Members Bills. The Voice staffer, DANIEL CHIDA looks at some of the MPs who contributed very little in this sitting.

Simon Moabi – Tati West Constituency

This is one of the most silent Members of Parliament; I bet despite the live broadcasting of the house proceedings, many people including those from his constituency do not know him. The few contributions that Moabi or Mavange as some prefer to call him has made, include being vocal during Questions for Oral Answers session.

The few questions that he asked were directed at the Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture when Mavange wanted to know the measures in place for professionalisation of sports for job creation. The Tati West MP must try harder to convince his electorates on why he deserves another chance.

The silent and underperforming MPS


Tumisang Healy- Gaborone Central

Healy has been vocal of late but often ignoring the topic which results in opposition MPs making him the butt of jokes in parliament. He has also made it a habit to defend government and or President Mokgweetsi Masisi even when its unnecessary .

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If he can slow down a bit and make logical contributions when necessary and stop being emotional, he would be a better representative of his constituency.

Christian Greef- Gaborone Bonnington South

A lot was expected from Greef but he has disappointed many. His contribution is below par.

The silent and underperforming MPS

Thapelo Letsholo- Kanye North

He is one of the most confusing MPs. Letsholo has brought good motions to the house, debated them better but failed to put his money where his mouth is which is , during voting.

The silent and underperforming MPS


Mpho Balopi- Gaborone North

Balopi started off as one of the bright brains but the internal problems from his party made him lose focus. His recent performance and body language looks like of someone who has lost interest in politics.

According to close sources, Balopi is considering not to contest again in the coming elections because of the frustrations he has encountered. He was once a Minister and party Secretary General but decided to step down from his ministerial position before deciding not defend his party position. As someone who was alleged to be eyeing the presidency position, Balopi has toned down with some party members saying he was being pushed out.

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The silent and underperforming MPS

Kgoberego Nkawana- Selibe Phikwe East

He is mostly vocal on environment and wildlife issues, maybe it is because he is a former wildlife officer. He is one of the few opposition members who never comes to the party. Recently he asked the house to resolve that in order to reduce plastic related pollution, government must ban the use of all non essential plastic.

The silent and underperforming MPS

Leepetswe Lesedi-Serowe South

He is vocal only during question time instead of tabling Motions that can develop his constituency. Most of the questions that MPs ask should be discussed at council level. He should up his game even though he is from a constituency considered to be safe.

The silent and underperforming MPS

Friction Tshoganetso Leuwe- Takatokwane

He has been bringing motions like the one requesting government to relocate Primary Health Care to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development from Ministry of Health and other motions bordering on land matters. A weak MP who is failing to step up and be accounted amongst the best.

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The silent and underperforming MPS

Liakat Kablay- Letlhakeng/Lephephe

He is trying but always misses the mark. Maybe it is time he rests.

*Next week we bring to you underperforming Ministers

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