Stressed guard’s tragic end

Kitso Ramono
SUICIDE SITE: Moselwa killed himself on the 4th floor

Seemingly stressed over regularly receiving his salary late, a young security guard ended his life while on duty in downtown Francistown last week.

Colleagues found 22-year-old Kabelo Moselwa hanging in a room on the fourth-floor of the new MVA building, which is currently under renovation.

Described as polite but quiet by those who knew him, the Senete native is said to have reported for night duty at 6pm as usual; four hours later he was dead.

According to Central Police Station Commander, Mogomotsi Kesupile, the late man’s workmates became worried when he didn’t turn up for rounds at the normal time.

“They decided to split up and look for him, only to find him hanging from the rafters with a plastic rope tied around his neck,” revealed Kesupile.

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The police were called and the victim rushed to Nyangabgwe Hospital, where doctors declared him dead on arrival.

Although no suicide note has been found, either on Moselwa’s person or at the Block 1 home where he lived with his parents, a source told The Voice he was stressed over money issues.

“Late payments are a trend from his employer, who consistently pays them late and sometimes does not pay them at all,” claimed the source, who requested his identity be kept secret.

They further said Moselwa had outstanding debts and, because he hadn’t received his salary, couldn’t manage the pressure he was being put under to pay them back.

When contacted for a comment, Moselwa’s employers had nothing to say, instead directing The Voice to talk to the police for information concerning the incident.

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Superintendent Kesupile advised people who are struggling mentally to seek help.

“If someone is under stress, whether it be from work, relationships, or finances, they should seek assistance from our government social workers because they are paid for by the government to provide counseling at no cost to everyone,” urged Kesupile.

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