Speaking sensation

Leungo Mokgwathi
INFLUENTIAL: Thabo Batlhophi

Meet magnificent Mr.Elis

He may only be 22, but Thabo Batlhophi has packed much into his short time on the planet.

Affectionately nicknamed Mr. ELIS – the title of his first book – the youngster has made his name as a motivational speaker and author.

From the age of 14, Batlhophi has steadily built his brand, talking people, especially students, into the mindset of success and excellence.

This year he will host a first-of-its-kind one man motivational show featuring some of Botswana’s greatest speakers.

The Voice’s LEUNGO MOKGWATHI caught up with the impressive young man to learn some of the tricks he invests in his trade.

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Kindly introduce yourself.

Thabo Aaron Batlhophi is an author, speaker, and first-class graduate, who holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) Degree in International Finance & Banking.

Speaking sensation
DOING HIS THING: Thabo Batlhophi

He is passionate about restoring the hunger and value for education amongst students in Botswana and helping them excel academically with practical wisdom.

I am from Takatokwane village but I have lived in Gaborone all my life.

Take us through some of the work you have done as an author.

When I was 18 years old I published my first book, which was titled ‘Effective Living In School’ (ELIS).

The reason I published this book is because when I started my Junior Schooling, I never had something to guide me in dealing with and handling academic issues and how I can use education as a tool to build my path to success.

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The book is essentially a formula to success for young people.

It was launched by Tebogo Sebego and endorsed by UNICEF.

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In 2020, I released a book titled ‘The Teenager God Uses’.

I released the book because I wanted to put out a blueprint for teenagers to succeed.

I call it my legacy book because from 13 until 19 years I had done a lot with my life.

In 2021 I released the second edition of ELIS, I was now at University and my scope of life had widened.

Impressive stuff! I understand you’re also quite the motivational speaker – tell us more.

I have been a motivational speaker since 2014 and my experience has developed from speaking at school assemblies, and being invited as a speaker on big platforms to ultimately hosting my own events.

I host two national events annually.

In August 2022, I launched an event called ‘The Road to Academic Excellence’. At this event, I, alongside other speakers, address students on how they can succeed academically.

We also motivate and empower them.

This year, I will be launching the teacher’s edition which will bring parents and teachers together to address issues of importance in students’ lives.

How did you get into motivational speaking?

In 2014 I met a man called Pastor BF Rams and my life did a complete 360 degrees turn.

The first time I saw him, he was preaching and I instantly knew that I wanted to be like him.

Speaking sensation

I did not want to be a pastor per se, but I knew at that moment that I wanted to be impactful through the life that I was leading.

From that moment, a dream to be Botswana’s best motivational speaker was birthed. It started with me gathering my classmates during lunch breaks and talking to them; eventually, I upgraded to assembly presentations and being the speaker I am today.

Starting out, what challenges did you encounter?

It was not easy, when I first started giving assembly presentations, students would boo me with the intent to discourage me.

In my mind at the time, there were two options; to either run off stage or stick it out.

I, however, thought to myself that even the greatest speakers of today were at one point amateurs with no one willing to give them a listening ear so I persevered.

I remember one time being called to give a presentation at Naledi Senior. Mind you, I was in Junior School at the time so it was incredibly nerve-wrecking to the point where I could not even eat.

After my speech, Tebogo Sebego, who was also speaking at the event, told me, “Young man, if you keep on with what you are doing, you are going to soar to extremely great heights.” Those words always comfort me.

What is the One Man Motivational Show all about?

One Man Motivational Show, which is scheduled for February 25th, is a motivational event that will motivate business people and aspiring entrepreneurs.

We will be talking about key issues in business such as negotiation and presentation skills.

Amongst the speakers will be Khumo Kgwaadira and Mompoloki Mogobe just to mention a few.

What was the inspiration behind this event?

I actually benchmarked off the music industry which has been hosting a number of one-man events.

I thought to myself, why not bring the concept to my sector.

I am always thinking of ideas to change the game.

My friends always laugh when I say that one day I am going to have an event in the sky.

I want to motivate people to be crazy for success.

Why do you think you are fit to give people advice about their lives?

I do not believe in theoretical teachings but rather believe in practical ones.

I never teach people what I am not; I believe that if I am going to teach you how to be a millionaire, I should be one myself.

That is why my primary audience right now is students; I was a top achiever after Form Five and I obtained a First Class Degree.

This goes to show that I know what I am talking about when I am preaching academic excellence to students.

What entrepreneurial experience do you have?

I run my own publishing company.

After releasing my books, I thought to myself: why not publish these books myself?

I brought my designer and editor together and suggested this.

So I now have my own publishing company which even publishes books for other people.

How do you get all these sponsorships and endorsements?

It is not easy to pull off what I am doing, talking to thousands of people so one thing I have learnt is the importance of a good network.

My strategy is to sell myself in a way that shows the other party how I can bring value to their brand.

I also always say build your brand well enough and opportunities will bring themselves.

I approached Ba Isago University, told them about my brand and my intention to change the lives of students.

I told them that as a University, I would be bringing them potential clients.

I learnt how to be very convincing in securing deals.

It stretches beyond selling yourself well though, when given the opportunity, give your maximum best and show them that you truly are the best at what you do for future deals.

Do you still get nervous before going on stage?

All the time!

However, I never focus on the nerves.

A lot of the time, people assume that I am this ever-confident guy but the truth is that internally, my stomach is usually in knots.

Public speaking has taught me not to focus on the nerves but rather the message.

Can you recall your worst speaking moment?

One time I was speaking at a Prize Giving Ceremony at Moselewapula JSS.

I make sure to always have my chapstick and a bottle of water with me to ease my nerves.

However, I did not have those that day and so after speaking for a while, my mouth got dry to the point where I struggled to even open it.

It was so embarrassing that I cut my presentation short.

And your most memorable?

When I addressed 1, 200 students.

It was the largest crowd I have ever spoken to and for the first time, my mentor BF Rams was there to hear me speak.

What are your other hobbies?

I like playing soccer.

Actually, I used to be a professional athlete.

I trained alongside Baboloki Thebe, Letsile Tebogo and so many others.

I unfortunately was not as passionate about athletics so I quit.

Finally, Thank God it’s Friday, what will you be up to this weekend?

I actually have a wedding which I am excited about.

Another thing I do, people pay me for choreography at weddings.

So I will be dancing at a wedding in Kopong.

I will be one of the groomsmen for this one though, not the choreographer.

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