Setting a new tone in skincare

Tshepo Kehimile
MAKING HER MARK: Didintle Moreki

For most women, skincare is an essential part of their daily routines – indeed, in the image conscious world we live in today, more and more men take a keen interest in what they apply to their bodies and faces.

Looking to cash in on this demand, 25-year-old Didintle Moreki has come up with a unique range of home-grown beauty products that she believes can eventually rival the likes of The Body Shop and Clicks.

Founded three years ago, Organic Naturals Skincare uses indigenous plants to produce skincare products.

For Moreki, the company was a dream three years in the making, borne out of the frustration of failing to find moisturisers and creams that suited her skin as well as Botswana’s hot, dry climate.

“My love for business started after a personal struggle in finding skincare products made locally for my skin and in my weather. The idea was sparked in 2016 but the operation of the business started in 2019,” explains the Kanye native, whose enterprise is located at LEA Leather by the taxi station in Gaborone.

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“Naturals Skincare exists to empower African women and men to show up confidently,” she tells Voice Money proudly.

Setting a new tone in skincare
SKIN CARE: Facial toner

At the moment, the operation produces soaps, facial toners and masks, a serum and recently introduced a body care range, including body butter and oil.

“All these products are considered natural and organic, harvested by female harvesters and farmers across Botswana. We buy from local suppliers such as DLG Oils and Moringa Technology,” continues Moreki, who reveals that Moringa and Mowana (baobab) feature heavily in most of their products.

Coming from a business-minded family, it is hardly surprising that the business bug has bitten Moreki too.

“I was brought up by my grandfather and parents who adored business hence why I ventured into starting one as well,” reasons the Botho University Accounts graduate.

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In her quest to crack the skincare market, Moreki has put together a formidable team.

“Currently Organic Naturals has four full time employees, that is: our Operations Manager, Production Assistant, Marketing and Branding Manager and Admin. We also have four part time sales employees; it was very difficult to assemble this team but I managed, eventually!”

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Although the energetic entrepreneur is pleased with the strides Organic Naturals has made so far, she has big plans for expansion in the future.

“People love our products and we also go out to the stores that we sell through to educate or raise awareness to the customers which makes it easy for them to know our products and the benefits. I believe we will be exporting volumes in the near future, and we will be a household name,” she declares confidently.

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