Protest against homosexuality

PRESENTING: Molepolole EFB Chairperson Reverend Anthony Oitsile handing over petition to MP Regoeng

Churches petition MP to vote against same sex intimate relationships

Several churches that make up the Evangelical Fellowship Botswana (EFB) on Sunday presented their concerns about a bill to legalise homosexuality to Member of Parliament for Molepolole North Oabile Regoeng.

Concerned members of various churches that include Apostolic Faith Mission, Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Protestant Church (PPC) and others led by their pastors marched in protest against the amendment of section 164 (a) and (c) of bill 29, singing hymns from Molepolole Builders World warehouse to present their petition at the MP’s office.

The Christian fellowship made a plea through MP Regoeng that members of parliament should no caucus along political lines concerning the bill but rather present the people’s wishes as outlined in the EFB.

The petition categorically indicated that churches are against homosexuality as it is against christian beliefs and values further referencing the Bible in Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 and Romans chapter1 verses 1 to 27 to argue against same sex relationships.

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“The amendment plays on the consciousness of nature negativity. Nature calls for every creature to procreate itself and homosexuality cause extinction of human race, God created male and female for reproduction,” said Chairperson Reverend Anthony Oitsile presenting the petition.

Reverend Otsile further indicated that same sex relationships destroy society and human development in all sectors stressing that homosexuality has never been a private act as it encroaches in family set ups and in all countries where it is legally practised it has caused a dysfunctional family and affected children’s moral value system.

The churches suggested that the amendment be subjected to a referendum because failure to do so would cause it to negatively impact many people in Botswana hence it should be brought back to the people for review and general consensus.

“As revealed by Batswana in the Dibotelo Commission inquiry we should not destroy our country to satisfy the unnatural desires of a few people. As much as we Batswana took the decision to stick to a death sentence for convicted murderers, so Batswana should be given an opportunity to decide. The Court of Appeal in Botswana cannot be the decider against the will of the majority of Batswana,” reads the petition in part.

It was the concerned christians worry that the amendment would result in destruction of many other laws that influence the morality of our society.

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They argued that legalisation of homosexuality would infringe on issues surrounding the right to marry, adopt children and protection from preaching against homosexuality as it has already happened in many countries and christians would then find themselves in court for preaching the gospel which would mean an infringement on freedom of religion.

In his response, MP Regoengg noted the protesters rights to hand over their petition and further advised them that the amendment was still a thought and not a final decision by lawmakers.

“Parliament has not yet discussed the issue. I do not want to say how it will be concluded, as we are there in parliament we are your representatives and always impressed to hear your concerns regarding issues such as this. We cannot make decisions on your behalf it is your right to decide, I and Member of Parliament for Molepolole south, Kabo Morwaeng will hand it to the speaker of the national assembly,” said MP Regoeng encouraging the churches to intensively pray that their wishes become successful.

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