Police investigate Ledumang student suicide

Leungo Mokgwathi

Sir Seretse Khama Airport Police (SSKA) are investigating a suspected suicide in which a 17-year-old Ledumang Senior Secondary School student was found dead on Friday afternoon.

SSKA Station Commander, Superintendent Mmoloke Sebako, confirmed the incident in an interview with this publication this afternoon.

While Superintendent Sebako was reluctant to disclose more details in consideration of the grieving family, he revealed that a passerby found the lifeless body of the Form 4 student in a bush near Ledumang Senior School.
“The boy was in his Ledumang Senior School uniform, and we managed to identify him after looking through his bag where we found his school books. We then notified the school which called in his parents to identify him,” said Sebako.

He further informed that there was no suicide note found at the scene or at the boy’s home in Block 6, Gaborone.

The student is rumored to be among the group that was found in possession of baked goods infused with marijuana, commonly referred to as space cakes.

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A week ago, over 20 students at Ledumang Senior were suspended after being found in possession of the said space cakes.

The Gaborone Regional Chief Education Officer Kwante Kwante refrained from commenting on the matter, and instead directed The Voice to reach out to the Ledumang Senior School Head for more details.

The Ledumang Senior School lines however rang unanswered.

More details on the story to follow.

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