Perry to dazzle in Taiwan

PRETTY PERRY: The beauty queen will represent BW in Taiwan

Local stunner eyes international glory

Tourism influencer and Motswana model based in New Zealand, Seneo Perry is set to represent the country at the ‘Miss Face of Beauty International’ in Taiwan this September.

The pageant aims to develop young female leaders from around the world, with candidates participating in charity events, workshops and symposiums, while travelling across the host country together.

The 28-year-old beauty said she was honoured to have been selected as a delegate to represent the country.

“Before the opportunity presented itself, I was already planning to compete in one of the international pageants this year. I didn’t know whether to go for Miss Universe Botswana or something else. I’m so grateful for this opportunity, as I’ll use it as a strategic platform to echo my passion of environmental conservation,” declared the Miss World Botswana 2020 queen.

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“I am really looking forward to meeting all the other beautiful women that will be representing their countries and learning from them as well as embracing the moment to be there promoting tourism as a product to the world.”

Perry told Voice Entertainment she is keen to partner with local designers for her costumes at the event.

Her wardrobe entails evening gowns and formal wear for the symposiums and other conferences and interviews.

“At the moment I don’t have any sponsors and would be open to strategic sponsors. I will be attempting to send proposals to a few organisations. I have approached the consulate of Botswana in Australia and they have referred me to MYSC, and to the National Arts Council,” she said.

Perry, the winner of the Best Youth in Tourism Award, is currently pursuing her Masters in Hotel Management sponsored by Dr George Mason.

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Asked about how she intends to use beauty tourism Ambassadorship to bring the crown home she said, “I will use my knowledge and passion to add a voice to the Presidents’ rallying cry of MindSet Change. This I’ll do through my new book to be published soon. It will mostly focus on educating young children worldwide about Botswana and our story with elephants and how Elephant Havens Wildlife Foundation is helping vulnerable communities that live close to these mammals as well as promoting Botswana as a sustainable eco-tourism destination. It is time we tell our story as Botswana on our conservation and environmental story and showcase how climate resilient we are!”

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