MYSC unveil plans to fight GBV

Tshepo Kehimile

The Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport, and Culture (MYSC) has unveiled its plans to militate against Gender Based Violence (GBV)

Planned activities include the commemoration of International Men’s Day (IMD) and The 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women as well as Children (16 Days Activism) scheduled between mid-November and December.

Speaking at a Media Briefing on Commemoration of Gender Days, MYSC Permanent Secretary, Kitso Kemoeng said the arrival of the Gender portfolio in their Ministry earlier this year has changed the dynamics of operation.

“We are now the official Gender Equality watchdog hence preserving some of the cultural issues is a challenge that we have to tackle head-on as some of them are not in alignment with the Gender Equality agenda. We have to deliver both mandates without one trampling on the other,” he said.

MYSC unveil plans to fight GBV

Kemoeng further said; “Having acquired the function of Gender, we will be commemorating Gender Days. The IMD is globally commemorated on the 19th of November every year. However, for logistical purposes, we have decided to celebrate it on the 18th of November instead.

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The IMD is intended to celebrate men’s achievements and contributions; in particular, their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care. On the day, we ought to focus on Men’s and boys’ health issues, improve gender relations, promote gender equality and highlight positive male role models,” said Kemoeng.

This year’s IMD is commemorated under the theme; “Promoting a Positive Conversation about Men, Manhood, and Masculinity.”

“The theme challenges us as a nation to have honest and direct dialogues on the positive attributes of men, their accountability and responsibility in nation-building, and the general development of their communities and the country at large.

The commemoration will be held at Salajwe Village and it will start with a march around the village at 06; 30 AM before proceedings of the day proceed at 08; 30 at the main kgotla on the 25th of November.

Shedding more light on the Sixteen Days of Activism against Violence and Children Campaign, Kemoeng said,“The 16 Days Campaign will be held under the ‘UNiTE to End Violence Against Women and Children, the theme calls for a concerted effort in preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls around the world.

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The program will include International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, World Aids Day, and International Day of Persons with Disabilities just to mention a few,” said Kemoeng.

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