Serame for Vice President

Sharon Mathala
I have not yet mind up my mind on Goodhope-Mabule- Serame

Her promotion to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development from the Ministry of Trade took many by surprise.

But even before the ink on her promotion letter could dry, Peggy Serame’s name is being mentioned in the corridors of power as a possible replacement for Slumber Tsogwane as Vice President.

According to a highly placed source, Serame is being positioned to take over the Goodhope/Mabule constituency from the incumbent Eric Molale who is set to retire before the 2024 general elections.

This would also pave way for her acceding to the second powerful seat in the country, the source has alleged.

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“The President with all that is going on is working on surrounding himself only with those loyal and close to him and so he is eyeing Serame for VP,” a source within the President’s circles has told The Voice.

“There is a very close relationship between the President and Serame and so it did not come as a surprise to us,” the source further said.

In a response to a questionnaire from The Voice Serame said she was aware of the rumors.

“I have heard of such speculations and there is nothing I can do about such,” said Serame candidly.

On the issue of her future in Politics, Serame did not dismiss the possibility of contesting for the Goodhope/Mabule constituency and said she was yet to make up her mind.

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“I have not yet made up my mind on whether to contest or not. Currently, my focus is on my major assignment, ministerial duties. The responsibility requires that I put all my energy into issues of fiscal consolidation, driving the required reforms and getting back on a growth path that will take us to our targets by 2036,” Serame said.

The Voice also tried to get a response from Goodhope/ Mabule incumbent MP Molale who is said to be resigning from politics soon. Molale is allegedly feeling ‘misplaced’

Asked if he will be quitting politics Molale was dismissive.

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“Go back to those who gave you all that information. I am not going to say anything. When it is time for me to say something I will,” Molale said.