My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

Sharon Mathala

GrandPalm Hotel and Resort Marketing Manager

Mpho Sebina – Neo

My first name is Neo so naturally, I was drawn to the song (laughing). Honestly, Mpho Sebina is a great artist and is potentially going to be one of our best exports.

My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

Vee – Taku Taku

Everyone has a favourite Vee song. He is legendary; Taku Taku is legendary!

My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

ATI – Batho Bame

ATI is another talented local artist. I actually like a couple of his songs.

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My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

Amantle Brown – Black Mampatile

She is one of the best vocalists we have locally. Black Mampatile was one of the first songs I ever heard from her and remains my fav to date.

My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

Samantha Mogwe – Secrets

She is another great and talented singer. I feel like she is one of the most underrated artists.

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My top 5 local tunes with Neo Nkele

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