Mugabeism resurfaces

Sinqobile Tessa
ZANU PF PRESIDENT: Emmerson Mnangagwa

There are growing calls within Zanu PF for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to rule beyond his two terms and, if history is anything to go by, this will come to pass.

Constitutionally, Mnangagwa is currently serving his second and final five-year term but there are reports that he is eager to extend his time in office, while his supporters are also nudging him.

A slogan, 2030 vaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo (In 2030 Mnangagwa will still be in power), is now common and being used at Zanu PF gatherings.

This is the same modus operandi that was used by the late former president, Robert Mugabe, to cement his stay in power.

It would start with such slogans, then various structures and leagues would throw their weight behind him.

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At a recent rally in Masvingo, Vice President, Kembo Mohadi, said he was thrilled by the new slogan, while in his speech at the same gathering, Mnangagwa downplayed the slogan, wondering if there were some people who thought he would no longer be there.

According to the constitution, a bill to amend the constitution must be passed into law by a two-thirds majority of parliament.

Zanu PF attained a two-thirds majority in Parliament in early February after winning constituencies, which went to by-election following recalls of MPs and councillors by self-imposed Citizens Coalition for Change Secretary General of Opposition, Sengezo Tshabangu.

However, a referendum will still be required to secure the president a third term.

This is where Mugabeism might seriously come into play if indeed Mnangagwa is hell bent on extending his rule.

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Assuming a referendum is called and people reject the third term bid, Mnangagwa might do what Mugabe did when he lost in the 2000 referendum, ignoring what people voted for and doing what was best for him to stay in power.

As already indicated, Mugabe traits or Mugabesim is already quite visibly in the current leadership.

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Mugabeism, by the way, is everything that Mugabe was, whether good or bad, depending on one’s perspective of the late popular leader.

During his heydays, what Mugabe wanted, Mugabe got by hook or crook, and so if Mnangagwa wants a third term in office, he will get it by all means necessary.

After all, he was Mugabe’s right hand man for decades.

And, just like Mugabe, Mnangagwa believes he is the best thing that ever happened to Zimbabwe despite the hardships that many are facing.

The economy might be in a crisis but the regime is turning a blind eye and giving the impression that it’s a setback that will soon come to an end.

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