Morgan Moseki bows out


Veteran politician and opposition stalwart, Morgan Captain Moseki has finally bowed out of active politics, after losing elections for the fourth time.

A respected human rights lawyer, Moseki told this publication just after the release of election results for Francistown East, last week Thursday night that he was ready to hang his campaign boots and throw in the towel.

“l have reached the end of my road as an active politician. But I will continue to be a member of the Botswana Congress Party(BCP) and the Umbrella of Democratic Change( UDC) until my last days on earth. But for now in terms of participation, l have played my part in developing democracy in Botswana,” declared the UDC parliamentary candidate.

“l have funded each campaign from my personal pocket, at a great expense too,” he said

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Accepting the results for he just ended polls, the Francistown based lawyer said,” We as the UDC accept that we participated in a contest. Whether it was fair or unfair that’s not for now. We did not protest. For now what I can say is that I have seen the results and I am not going to court. I am accepting the results.”

Moseki however, noted that although there are a few queries he would want to point out at a later date.

“Those who have won have won, and we congralutate them. They have won through whatever means they have used. It is a matter for another day,” ended Moseki.

In the just ended general elections Moseki garnered 2 632 votes losing for the second time running to Honest Buti Billy who bagged 4 651 votes.

Moseki has been contesting for parliament since 2004 when he faced the former Attorney General, Phandu Skelemani and lost.

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