Moo-re trouble

Gofaone Koogotsitse
SUSPECTED THIEF: Patricia Mogorosi

Serial cow thief suspect arrested again

Farmers in the Kweneng District will sleep a little sounder at night, for the next few days at least, after a suspected serial cattle rustler was remanded in custody on Wednesday.

For the last year, 39-year-old Patricia Mogorosi has been giving livestock owners in the area a massive headache.

The Thamaga native first appeared before Molepolole Magistrates’ Court last August, charged with stock theft together with her co-accused, one Badisa Moatshe, 47.

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The duo were alleged to have stolen four cows, valued at P17, 500 and belonging to Badisa Molefane at Monyatlale lands.

It is said Molefane spotted the two transporting cattle in a Toyota Surf.

Suspecting the cows might be his, he stopped the car to inspect the load and discovered the animals bore a new brand mark belonging to Mogorosi.

Fearing they were busted, the suspects reportedly panicked and fled the scene, leaving the cows behind.

After being freed on bail, Mogorosi kept out of trouble until earlier this month, when she was nabbed by the police as part of a Kgomokhumo operation.

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Along with four other men: Gideon ‘Strike’ Mpane, 42, Stephen Sethibe, 49, Aaron Setabo, 24, and Nicolus Leduma, 32, the Kootilane ward native found herself in hot cow soup.

The five were arraigned and released on bail before Takatokwane Magistrate Court on 13 May accused of stealing four cattle valued at P20, 000 on 22 April at Mokokomadi lands.

Just two days later, the notorious Mogorosi was on the wrong side of the law again.

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This time accompanied by a different two men, Boitshepo Rankwe, 37, and Kebonyekgotla Ketlogetswe, 57, Mogorosi was arraigned before Kanye Magistrates’ Court on 15 May after being caught in possession of three cattle they could not account for.

The trio were remanded in custody until mention scheduled for 26 May, allowing farmers in the area a brief sigh of relief.

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