Modaefok kills Hereford woman


A woman has died from a homemade concoction named Modaefok which she consumed yesterday (Tuesday) after she prepared it at her home in Kutlwano ward, Hereford about 55kilometeres from Werda village.

According to Werda Police Assistant Superintendent Joel Sebotho, they received a report from Tsabong Primary Hospital after the 45-year-old woman passed on the same day evening.

The woman allegedly prepared the beer in a 5-litre-bottle on Saturday and became sick immediately after drinking it in the presence of her boyfriend who had tried to warn her that Modaefok is dangerous.

She was first taken to Hereford Clinic and later referred to the hospital in critical condition. Unfortunately, she died immediately upon her arrival at the hospital before she could even get assistance.

ASP Sebotho revealed that it was the second deadly incident in the area following the one in which two women recently died in March this year.

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“We are losing lives though we are trying to talk to the public about the dangers of homemade brews. We are not going to give up as we shall now conduct a search from house to house and arrest whoever we find preparing beer at home,” warned Sebotho.

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