Mixed emotions as Zimbos reflect on what might have been

Sinqobile Tessa
HISTORIC HUG: Masisi and Boko embrace

If jealously killed, many Zimbos myself included, would be dead by now!

We are so envious of Batswana and their historic feat. Many of us have long longed for change in Zimbabwe, with the hope it will bring an end to our financial and social suffering. But alas, we remain stuck with the guerilla-led movement which has been in power since Independence over 44 years ago.

And sadly, judging from past experiences, it doesn’t look like there will be change in the foreseeable future.

The past experiences I am referring to are service chiefs declaring they will never accept nor salute a ‘small boy’ (even when voted into power) who is not a war veteran, the ruling party boldly stating that Zimbabwe was borne of blood and not the ballot and a losing President refusing to concede defeat.

These are the main reasons we are still being led by Zanu PF – and of course the fear of being persecuted if not killed for daring to revolt!

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The other major factor is a fractured opposition, which has led to split votes in past elections.

I hope our opposition parties have taken a cue from the Botswana’s Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC), that they are stronger together, that they need to have a common purpose of freeing the country from the claws of corrupt leaders whose sole desire is to loot at the expense of the masses.

Today (Friday) a new and young leader, who led a coalition of three political parties to victory, is being inaugurated after a peaceful election and a hassle-free handing over of power, something we can only dream of in Zim.

Democracy and patriotism prevailed in Botswana when President Duma Boko won the election and when former leader, Mokgweetsi Masisi humbly conceded defeat and immediately handed over power, a process that could have also happened in Zim some years back but never did.

Patriotic and professional service chiefs did not stand in the way of the people and were quick to accept change and salute the new Commander-in-Chief.

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I have to mention this again because in Zimbabwe, the uniformed forces are expected and have always been a part of the ruling Zanu PF. Hence back in the days, during the late Robert Mugabe’s era, they unashamedly declared they would never salute the late opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai when it became clear he was the people’s favorite.

Mixed emotions as Zimbos reflect on what might have been
WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN: The late Morgan Tsvangirai

Mugabe then continued to rule with an iron fist with the backing of the army even though they later turned against him.

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Kudos to Botswana armed forces for being so different from their neighbors.

We thus can only watch with envy as Batswana celebrate their historic moment amidst hope of a brighter future while also praying that one day God will remember to bless us with the much-needed political change.

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