Majaga must Pay!

Kabelo Dipholo

Angry father demands prison for Nata/Gweta MP

The father of the 16-year-old girl accusing Nata/Gweta Member of Parliament (MP) Polson Majaga of defilement has called for a stern action against the politician.

The 46-year-old Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) legislator faces a single count of defilement and was granted bail by Nata Magistrate Court on Monday.

Shortly after the brief mention, The Voice tracked down the complainant’s father to Malelejwe cattlepost, a remote homestead deep in the bush roughly 20km west of Sua Town.

In an emotional interview, the irate father – who cannot be named to protect his daughter’s identity – said he was disappointed that Majaga was set free despite the gravity of the alleged offence.

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“Ka na ke go re re Masarwa?” (Is it because we are Basarwa?),” demands the 53-year-old father-of-five furiously before proceeding to talk about the suspect’s ‘love for young Basarwa girls’.

“Kaha jaana, go ya kwa, monna yo o dubile. Ga ke itse go re o utuleng mo Masarweng (From here up to the other side, it’s his territory. I’ve no idea why he prefers Basarwa girls).”

Adopting a crouched stance, the dad reveals the family noticed a drastic change in the girl’s behavior around September and October last year.

“She was still doing Form One and for some reason suddenly lost interest in school. Her behaviour changed completely!”

He further tells The Voice that his daughter spent a couple of nights out during the heated 2019 general elections campaigns.

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“Instinctively we knew she was up to no good; but we could never have guessed that a Member of Parliament was the reason our daughter slept out and her truancy!”

Re-adjusting his creaking knees and clasping his chin in weathered hands, the lean-faced man claims Majaga provoked the family into reporting him last week.

“Last Monday, Majaga arrived driving his van and went around the cattlepost announcing through his public address system that he knew nothing about the pregnancy. He spent a few minutes outside my yard and dared us to go report him if we had the guts. He told us there was nothing we could do to him, that he was untouchable!” narrates the visibly frustrated father – his claims backed up by everyone else at the cattlepost.

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According to the dad, the MP’s taunts drove his daughter to ‘hysterical tears’.

“She threatened to commit suicide and begged us to allow her to abort the child. But this is impossible, she’s seven months pregnant!” he reasons desperately.

He says Majaga’s public humiliation came after numerous failed attempts to get him to take responsibility for his actions.

“He initially admitted to the pregnancy and promised to take care of both my daughter and her child but later proved evasive when we tried to contact him. We made the decision to call the police and report this crime against a minor,” he says, pausing for a second before adding defiantly, “It has always been our intention to report him!”

The Voice was further told how Majaga allegedly used one of his right hand men from Dukwi (name known) to fetch the young girl for him during the campaign trail.

“She told us that they spent time together for the entire campaign. E ne e le skapthininyana sa gagwe (she was his snack). She showed us the mud hut the two occasionally slept in. Right here in Malelejwe. Right under my nose,” continues the dad, torn between fury and despair.

Majaga must Pay!
“SLAUGHTER HOUSE”: The hut allegedly used by the couple

The Voice was directed to a single room thatch house which the MP allegedly used on his campaign trail – a ‘slaughter house’ the old man calls it.

Roughly 300m away stands another yard belonging to the parents of the young Nxakatho Junior School girl Majaga allegedly slept with four years ago. (Another BDP Politician Caught With His Pants Down, The Voice 13 May 2016).

MP Majaga denied the allegations but the then 17-year-old girl stuck to her statement. The matter never went to court and tragically for the teen, she never completed school.

Meanwhile, Majaga flatly refused to field questions from The Voice, accusing the paper of spreading lies about him.

“You already have an opinion on this coordinated smear campaign. Go and write whatever you want!” was Majaga’s response.

He is due back in court on 28 July.

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