ISPAAD undergoing evaluation

Kabelo Adamson

The Integrated Support Programme for Arable Agriculture Development is undergoing evaluation in preparation for review before the end of the financial year.

This was revealed by the Assistant Minister of Agricultural Development and Food Security, Beauty Manake when responding to a question posed by Member of Parliament (MP) for Kgalagadi North, Talitha Monnakgotla in parliament on Tuesday.

The MP had asked if the Ministry will consider reviewing the ISPAAD programme to cater for cluster boreholes, water surveying and drilling for livestock water, which is a major challenge for pastoral farmers.

In response, Manake revealed the programme is currently undergoing evaluation in preparation for its review.

“The review process will consider a wide range of aspects meant to improve the delivery and output of the programme,” explained Manake, adding that key aspects to be considered will be inputs subsidies and how to implement them.

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She said productivity and value for money shall form part of the programme that will come out of the review of ISPAAD.

“It is envisaged that a properly coordinated assessment will dictate specific components to be included in the programme such that it becomes efficient and effective,” added Manake.

Also, Manake said the programme already has the ‘provision of portable water to clusters’ component for domestic use only.

“Under this component, the Ministry drills and equips boreholes or even purchases existing boreholes to be used by farmers within the cluster,” revealed the Assistant Minister, further indicating that these boreholes are managed by Cluster Management Committees.

She noted that the drilling and equipping of boreholes for livestock watering is also undertaken through Special ISPAAD for both resource-poor and for farmers owning up to 200 cattle.

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