Husband tortures cheating wife to learn lover’s identity

PONDERING HIS ACTIONS: Kagiso pleading guilty



Convinced he was being cheated on, a jealous Mmanoko man tortured his wife in full view of their children, demanding that she reveal her lover’s identity.

45-year-old Kagiso Mafemelela tied his wife’s hands behind her back with a shoelace before plunging her head into a 20-litre bucket he had filled with water.

With the children screaming for mercy, blinded by what he later called a ‘Devil-like rage’, Kagiso ignored the kids’ cries, bashing Rosinah Mafemelela, 40, into a wall.

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He then forced her into his car and sped away to the bush, where he attempted to suffocate his wife, putting a plastic bag over her still dripping head.

She avoided suffocation by biting a small hole in the bag.

It was at this point that, fearing for her life and desperately gasping for breath, Rosinah disclosed the other man’s name.

RECONCILED: The Mafemelelas outside court

Kagiso has since pleaded guilty to Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm before Molepolole Magistrate Court and will be sentenced next Wednesday.

Court heard that the frightening incident played out on the evening of Sunday 11 October.

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Furious at his wife’s bed-hopping antics, Kagiso, via phone-call, ordered her to collect her clothes and return to her parents.

However, when he arrived home he found Rosinah had still not left.

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It was then that her night of terror began.

“The accused person poured water in a 20-litres bucket and put the wife’s head in the water. The wife was able to kick the bucket and as it fell down, Kagiso went to take another 20-litres of water and poured it on her face while she was lying by her back on the floor,” state the facts before court.

After being driven out to the bush, and with a blue plastic bag wrapped around her head, a sobbing Rossinah confessed she was in a relationship with another man.

The couple then drove to the ‘small house’s’ house, where they found that only his brother and mother were home.

Kagiso made his wife explain the purpose of their visit, forcing her to spill the humiliating details of her affair.

Upon returning home, they found the police waiting for them.

Kagiso was duly arrested, remaining in prison until his court appearance last Thursday when he was granted bail.

A medical report form, 20-litre Dulux paint bucket, blue plastic bag and a pink shoelace were exhibited before court as evidence.

In his mitigation, Kagiso, who has no prior convictions, prayed for a lenient sentence, noting he has children and did not waste the court’s time by pleading guilty to the offence.

“Ke maswabi ke dirile ka boeleele ke ipona molato I am ashamed I acted in a stupid way. I plead guilty. I love my wife and I deeply regret my reaction. I overreacted, it was only that day I got tempted by the devil!” Kagiso told court, his voice trembling with nerves.

Having been temporarily set free, the married couple sat huddled together outside the courtroom.

An emotional Rosinah wept uncontrollably as officers transported her husband back to prison to collect his belongings before being released.

There could be more tears to follow next Wednesday when Kagiso learns his fate.

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