Educating God’s teachers

Kabelo Dipholo

In Christ she trusts

Dr Lebo Rathedi was born to teach.

Brought up with her three siblings by a single mother, Scannah Rathedi, she attended primary and junior school in Serowe before proceeding to boarding school at Moeng College.

Upon completing her Cambridge, she enrolled for a teaching Diploma at Tonota College of Education, later gaining employment as a teacher at Selolwe Hill School in Francistown.

The profession took her around the country, but this was just the beginning of her teaching journey as a special spiritual calling always awaited her.

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In this candid interview with Voice Reporter KABELO DIPHOLO, Dr Rathedi speaks about her journey in the classroom and her current task of up-skilling teachers of the word of God through InChrist Bible Institute University, where she serves as founder and Chancellor.

Thank you Dr. for honoring this interview.

The pleasure is all mine.

So who is Dr Rathedi?

I am a wife to Oganne Mazwigwila, mother to Simon, Lorato, Thato and Bokamoso. I was born and raised in Serowe but married in Nshakashogwe.

Dr. Rathedi is an Apostle at InChrist Ministries International and also the Chancellor for InChrist Bible Institute University.

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You’re also a qualified teacher. Please take us back to your days in the classroom.

Yes, I attended both primary and junior school in Serowe and later proceeded to boarding school at Moeng College in Ratholo where I completed my Cambridge.

I then enrolled for a Teaching Diploma at Tonota College of Education and was thereafter employed by the Ministry of Education as a secondary school teacher in Selolwe Hill in Francistown.

I had the opportunity to further my studies with the University of Botswana, after which I was transferred to Letlhakane Senior School.

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How did you end up as a Minister of the Word?

I continued my studies away from the field of Education, and in 2019 I was conferred with the Doctor of Philosophy in Theology by Heart Bible Institute University in America.

I did other short courses, which include: chaplaincy, marriage coach and life coaching.

Why did you decide to swap the classroom for the pulpit?

I’m a teacher by profession and an Apostle by calling.

After my resignation as a Setswana and Guidance and Counselling teacher in 2018, intrinsically lied the desire to continue pursuing the art of teaching and learning.

In the same rain, there was the demand of responding to the call of serving as a teacher in the Lord – this was the birth of In Christ Bible University as an institution which at the same time allowed me to continue my profession as a teacher.

Briefly tell us about In Christ International Ministries?

InChrist International Ministries is a church that provides an opportunity to fellowship for fellow members who are Christocentric by virtue.

As the body of Christ, it provides a space for the called and graduated Ministers to share the Word of God and disciple others.

It provides an opportunity for the called as per Ephesians 4, to execute their duty. The university disciples train and equip able Ministers to critically explain and interpret the scriptures.

What prompted the setting up of In Christ Bible Institute University?

After studying Bible Hermeneutics [Interpretation of the Bible], I realised that a lot of people are in error.

Most of the pastors used Eisegesis, meaning they impose their ideas, views and opinions into the Bible, instead of allowing the Scripture to interpret itself.

Therefore, it is the findings from my thesis that denoted the need to come up with a Christocentric institution which will close the gap by enabling able Ministers within various denominations to be approved workmanships that needed not to be ashamed but to rightly divide the Word of truth.

Where’s the university based?

We have got various satellite centres under the tutelage of the University board and satellite coordinators.

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In Botswana we have satellite centres in: Gaborone, Francistown, Kasane, Maun, Mahalapye, Tsabong, Ghanzi and Selibe Phikwe.

How important is technology in helping spread the Gospel?

It is very important.

In the post Covid era, technology has proven to be the solution towards fostering the Gospel and amid the pandemic.

For instance, InChrist University has international students in Lesotho, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Swaziland, Nigeria and USA and technology has disregarded distance and enabled their outreach.

Even our external examiners for graduate studies some are in Cameroon and Ghana. Technology has made it possible for them to access the institution and allowed for a smooth process of external assessments.

Who’s eligible to be a student in your institution?

Everyone is eligible to study with the University provided you have the appropriate entry requirements.

For one to be admitted to study short courses they should at least have a minimum of Cambridge certificate.

However, for the practicing pastors whose qualifications are below Cambridge, there is a special entrance under which the candidate is introduced to a bridging course.

We will be hosting our third graduation ceremony in Kasane, for the short courses.

So how many students are enrolled with you and what are the fees?

Our enrollment as of this intake is 124, predominantly being undergraduate studies, especially short courses.

Our fees depend on the level studied.

For instance, tuition fees for our short courses are P1, 500 plus P200 for registration.

Diploma and Bachelors Degree are P3, 800 and P5, 500 respectively while graduate studies are charged at P6, 800 for Masters and P8, 800 for Doctor of Philosophy, with a standard registration fee of P500 ranging from undergraduate to graduate studies.

How long does a short course take?

Our short courses are tailor-made to cover 12 modules in six weeks.

Most churches today are preaching financial prosperity and very little about salvation. Has the Gospel changed?

I’ve already alluded that In Christ came into existence due to wrong Bible interpretation which is common among the gospel Ministers. Most of them impose their views, experiences and opinions when interpreting the Bible.

For instance when the Bible talks of spiritual blessings some would take it to mean material or monetary blessings.

That on its own has led to many pastors teaching prosperity Gospel and this might be out of ignorance or deliberately to rob the congregants their hard earned cash taking advantage of the fact that the congregants don’t have theological background.

This is worsened by the fact that most people go to church not to seek the kingdom of God but rather to seek comfort to curb their disappointments, therefore this situation makes them vulnerable to fall into the trap.

But the message remains, the same: it’s salvation which is in Christ Jesus. Remember God did not die for us in order to have cars and be wealthy but he died to reconcile the world back to himself and to make us the righteousness of God.

Prophets are mushrooming all over the country and indeed throughout the world. What does the scripture say about the mushrooming of prophets?

As for whether the person is a real prophet or not is not for me to judge but one thing that I know is that the Bible tells us that by their fruits we shall know them.

One thing that I regret is that the Prophecy of 2 Peter 2:1-3 has come to pass. This prophecy manifests that false prophets will turn God’s precious kingdom into profiteering and merchandise.

What constitutes a prophecy? Does rightfully telling the final score of a football match or telling how many onions one has in their refrigerator pass as a prophecy?

Prophecy entails the gift of utterance, and supernatural ability to speak for God.

Therefore he who is prophesying is speaking for God.

The book of 1 Corinthians 14:3 contents that prophecy speaks for the edification, exhortation and comforting of man.

Within this context, prophecy is given to call someone closer to God.

Having said that, it’s for you to judge whether telling the number of onions or predicting the final score has something to do with calling man closer to God or edifying the church.

I’ll let our readers be the judge! Besides up-skilling Pastors, what else do you do?

I’m a farmer doing both dry land and irrigation farming.

I also have layers, broilers and tswana chickens.

I’ve small stock and do cattle production and keep my dogs as pets.

And on that note, Thank God It’s Friday, what will you be up to?

My life is tripartite: economic, social and my life as a Christian.

My weekend time is divided between these three phases.

On the economic side, I will spend time at the farm trying to put puzzle together in line with those demands.

Cognizant to the fact that I am a married woman with kids I also create time for the family as weekends are often the only time we are under one roof.

Then come Sunday, I will be going to Church to preach.

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