Councillor Candidate escapes death


The Nswazwi – Makuta ward independent council candidate escaped death by a whisker recently when a kudu knocked on his car a kilometer away from Dagwi village.

The 44- year-old lucky escaper was to launch the following day for the general elections and it did not materialize as he was nursing pains on the neck, arms and back as per the doctor’s recommendation.

Bommogo Frank Maule told The Voice he was heading to Tutume on his combi that was starting to operate between Dagwi and Tutume.

“I am not sure whether to say I hit a male kudu or it jumped on my combi as it sustained no damage. The lights, bumper and grill were not damaged but only the windscreen, driver door, glass and roof top were damaged,” he said.

When asked whether there was any foul play he responded that he cannot rule it out as he is involved in politics.

“I am also a competitor to other public transport business operators, anything can be suspected. I cannot rule out foul play but which side, I cannot tell. I got the permit on Thursday afternoon and had an accident on Friday morning,” Maule said.

He continued that the BDP’s mobile operators attacked him and other four ward candidates on Thursday evening (the day before he got in an accident).

“They even stopped just by my house to say all defaming quotes and sayings. They said I am fooling people to vote for me and will only be voted by fools like me and that why don’t I have a party to contest under.

“They even went on to talk about my academics as to why should I go work since I have a rich CV than lie to people to be voted. They further chanted slogans picking my candidature that ke mokoko wa semata,” he closed.

When reached for comment Tutume Station Commander Jerry Halahala denied having a case of an accident but told The Voice it has been reported to the wildlife department. Effort to reach them hit a futile.

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