Butterfly burgled

Portia Mlilo

Disgraced Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) agent, Wilhelmina Maswabi has been burgled.

Maswabi (codename butterfly)’s house in Block 7 was broken into on Monday night but at the time of going to press police could not say what had been stolen.

In an interview at her house, Maswabi told The Voice that she was not in a position to discuss the break-in with the media because it was a “private matter”

Maswabi rose to notoriety in 2019 when she made headlines for money laundering and financing terrorism charges by the state. She was eventually acquitted of all the charges levelled against her.

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However four months ago, Maswabi lost a P30 million defamation suit against Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) lead investigator Jako Hubona, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), the DCEC, the DIS, the Botswana Police Services and the Attorney General.

Justice Mercy Garekwe dismissed the suit, for staments against her ,which Maswabi had termed “false accusations” with costs indicating that such statements were part of legal proceedings before the Court.

When reached for a comment about the break-in into Maswabi’s house, Sir Seretse Khama International Airport (SSKIA) station commander Mpho Sebako said it was a fresh matter and investigations were at an initial stage and therefore police did not have any details t share with the media.

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