Building up women in construction

Oleosi Kgosi
HUNGRY TO LEARN: The first session went well

In a bid to build-up women in construction, Young Minds Africa (YMA) are providing advanced Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for 50 female students and recent graduates from the Construction Industry Trust Fund (CITF) and Kgatleng Brigade Centre.

According to the project’s lead, Timothy Mweemba, the initiative will run until April and includes training, mentoring and networking opportunities.

“The program is anticipated to cover six training sessions on soft skills and hard skills, which will start from 21st January to 25 February,” explained the YMA Chairman, adding the 50 participants were selected on a ‘first-come, first serve’ basis back in December.

Mweemba further noted the goal is to achieve transferring skills and knowledge between professionals and female students/graduates to increase their competitiveness in what is a male-dominated sector.

“The participants will also be taken for site visits to learn more about what happens on the ground and will receive an opportunity to network with industry anchors in the sector inclusive of professionals, preferably female in construction and precisely members of Botswana Women in Construction Organization (BOWICO) and Business Botswana,” he added.

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The program, which is sponsored by amongst others, US Embassy and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), will also provide gender-sensitive and work-based learning opportunities. The first class took place on Saturday with the focus on ‘Communications and Contracts’.

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