Boy, 15, commits suicide

ILLUSTRATION: Suicide noose

Molepolole police have confirmed the death of a 15-year-old Form 3 boy who committed suicide by hanging over the weekend.

The boy who originates from Molepolole, Borakalalo ward is said to have used a rope to end his life inside his parents’ bedroom.

Molepolole police Assistant Superintendent Kumbani Machaya said in an interview with this publication that the incident was reported on Sunday morning by the deceased’s elder brother.

The brother, aged 23- upon arrival from Mosinki lands at around 9pm on Saturday realised his younger brother was missing from home and he did not find him till he retired to bed.

“In the morning while the elder brother was preparing himself for work, he went to his parent’s bedroom to switch off the lights as his parents were away at at Ditshegwane. He was shocked to find the younger brother hanging from the rafters and he cut off the rope before he reported the incident to the police. Upon arrival the police rushed the boy to the hospital, unfortunately he was certified dead by the medical doctor,” sadly explained ASP Machaya.

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He said the deceased did not leave any suicide note and that according to the family the deceased had not shown any signs of distress and he never shared anything that troubled him.

“I can only advice parents to assist their children in case they have problems. As for now we are still clueless about the suicide motive,” concluded the police officer.

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