Battered by Batista

Kabelo Dipholo

Night out ends in bruises *”She insulted my parents!” Pabloz bouncer

A reveler in Francistown got more than she bargained for when a bouncer at the trendy Pabloz Executive Lounge reportedly turned her into a punching bag in front of her shocked friends.

Veronique Mamashela-Baluwa’s night out ended with a swollen face and uprooted hair after Thembinkosi Mfana allegedly pummeled her with fists following claims of a rejected love proposal.

Pabloz Manager, Bright Monamati, popularly known as DJ Slim, confirmed to The Voice that indeed one of their clients issued a complaint against a member of his staff.

“She came here at night and I asked her to come the following day for us to listen to both sides of the story. She never returned and weeks later I heard the two were summoned to the police station,” said Monamati.

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In an interview with The Voice on Tuesday, Baluwa revealed her trouble started when she was reprimanded for smoking in the wrong zone.

“I complied and moved to the right spot. However, the bouncer made sly remarks about my attire and proceeded to tell me that he ‘knows girls like me’,” narrated Baluwa.

She said the bouncer went on to tell her, “people like you who hang around with white people think you’re all that.”

“That’s when I responded, ‘what the f**k, dude!’” explained Baluwa, pausing briefly to compose herself before continuing her narrative.

“He then went off on me, punching and kicking until I was rescued by two gentlemen.”

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The divorced mother-of-two says the muscly Mfana, a body builder with an imposing figure, even ripped out a chunk of her braids, leaving her with an ugly bald spot and a splitting headache.

The matter was reported at Kutlwano Police where the two were called in to give statements.

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“The issue was committed to the Customary Court, but his lawyer wrote a letter demanding that the matter be heard by a Magistrate,” she said.

Baluwa further told The Voice she was shocked to learn that for ‘the battering he gave her’, Mfana was only liable to a P200 fine for assault.

“I’m pissed off at the law more than anything else. If you kick a neighbour’s dog, you’ll probably get a stiffer punishment! But I guess there’s nothing to protect Gender Based Violence victims,” she stated somberly.

A self-confessed GBV survivor, Baluwa revealed it had been a year since a man laid a hand on her.

“After 12 months of being GBV free, a total stranger punched me and ripped off my hair!” she exclaimed angrily.

While the incident happened in late January, Baluwa vowed she would not rest until her ‘tormentor is punished for the pain he inflicted on her’.

Meanwhile, the man at the centre of the controversy accused Baluwa of playing the victim ‘when she knows very well that she was the aggressor’.


The ripped Mfana, who is popularly known as Batista after the former WWE wrestler, maintains Baluwa is looking for sympathy and is blowing the story out of proportion.

“I simply reprimanded her for smoking in a no-smoking area and she hurled insults at me. First she said, ‘Who the f**k do you think you are?’ I ignored her and moved away,” insisted Mfana.

However, the bouncer, who described himself as a mature married man, said he eventually lost his temper after Baluwa uttered the words, ‘this mother-f**r wa ntwaela (he’s full of st)’.

“I slapped her for insulting my parents,” conceded Mfana.

“She was totally out of control and kept threatening me about destroying my life as she apparently knows people in higher place. She should tell you the truth. She’s lying and her lies will be exposed in court,” warned the unimpressed bouncer, who admitted pulling out some of Baluwa’s braids.

The matter is yet to be heard before court.

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