A good country…despite its challenges

Sinqobile Tessa
GOLDEN TALENT: Jonasi impressed in America

I am always on the lookout for happy, positive content to dilute the dominant depressing news.

And this week I don’t have one but two feel good stories.

The second republic is gloating over a report by the multinational accounting firm, KPMG that ranked Zimbabwe among the top 10 attractive investment destinations in Sub Saharan Africa.

The report, titled ‘Doing Deals in Sub Sahara Africa’ says Zimbabwe is to watch out for future investments. It is listed among South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Zambia, Uganda and Mozambique – sorry to say Botswana didn’t make the list!

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According to the report, six percent of investors interviewed said they would definitely consider putting their money in Zimbabwe in the next two years.

The regime has been on a charm offensive to woo investors from across the globe, with the mantra ‘Zimbabwe is open for business’.

No wonder they blow their own trumpets when such reports are published and subsequently this rubs off, after all this is our home.

As loyal readers of this column will know, the report comes hot on the heels of revelations that Starlink, which is a global satellite based internet service provider, will be setting up office in Zimbabwe before year ends.

Making the announcement last week, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said, “I encourage more investment by foreign conglomerates in Zimbabwe, as we are an investment destination of choice.”

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Zimbabwe truly has that potential for economic growth and stability if only they also change their mindsets and the looting mentality.

A good country...despite its challenges
ATTRACTIVE: A section of Harare

Stories have been told of how some investors have turned their backs on the country because of locals expecting kickbacks in returning for getting the green light to operate in Zim.

Concerns are also being raised on how local businessman, Wicknell Chivayo aka Sir Wicknell’s company got the tender to partner with Starlink, with some concerned parties vowing to fight the corrupt deal.

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And while more investors are expected to set up shops in the country, the sad reality is that the men at the top and their allies will personally benefit the most from these deals, as is the case with Sir Wicknell, who is set for a windfall from Starlink’s arrival.

It would also be nice to hear that the unemployment rate has gone down in Zimbabwe once these investors have set up.

In other news, Zimbos are still celebrating a big win for their fellow countryman, US based comedian, Learnmore Jonasi who last week got a golden buzzer in the America’s Got Talent TV show.

He cracked the audience and the judges up with his comic comparisons of life in his home village of rural Chimanimani, Manicaland Province and life in the US.

The funnyman got a standing ovation from the audience and flowery reviews from the judges and then the golden buzzer from the presenter, Terry Crews. This automatically gives Jonasi a passage to live shows in the US.

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