A bright future for Ramotswa centre for the deaf

Daniel Chida
MINISTER: Lefoko Moagi

In a momentous occasion that underscored the spirit of collaboration and sustainability, Minister of Minerals and Energy, Lefoko Moagi delivered a stirring speech at the donation ceremony of a 42kW Solar Rooftop Grid Tied System to the Ramotswa Centre for the Deaf.

The event, jointly organized by the Botswana Diamond Manufacturer’s Association (BDMA) and Solar Power, showcased a powerful example of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that aligns with Botswana’s ambitious sustainability goals for 2036.

Moagi expressed his pride in being part of such a significant event, noting the serendipity that both the diamond manufacturing and solar power industries, which fall under his ministry’s purview, were united in this endeavour.

He lauded the initiative as a beacon of sustainability and innovation, highlighting that the donation not only serves the immediate needs of the Ramotswa Centre for the Deaf but also contributes to the broader goals of the country.

“At the onset, it is fitting to applaud BDMA for taking the lead in this CSR initiative to support Botswana’s social impact through its inclusive workforce,” Moagi stated.

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He praised the diamond cutting industry for its commitment to inclusivity, citing its efforts to train and employ over 50 individuals with hearing impairments.

This dedication, he noted, not only uplifts those with disabilities but also enhances the country’s economy by adding value to Botswana’s most precious natural resource, diamonds.

Moagi emphasized the government’s vision of transitioning from exporting raw materials to value-added products, a shift that the diamond industry has championed.

He urged the industry to continue its efforts in skills development and job creation, envisioning Botswana as the largest diamond-cutting centre in the world.

“This industry has the potential of creating thousands more jobs and thereby reducing the rate of unemployment and poverty within the country,” he remarked, reflecting on the future economic impact.

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The Minister also took the opportunity to commend Kalagadi Resources, trading as Solar Power, for their role in electrifying the country with advanced solar power systems.

He appreciated their participation in the CSR project, noting that the solar rooftop system would significantly benefit the Ramotswa Centre for the Deaf, enabling the institution to operate more sustainably.

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Moagi encouraged other industries to follow suit, adopting innovative and sustainable approaches to CSR projects.

“Subscribing to this practice can help us make this planet a better place for all,” he said, emphasizing the importance of corporate responsibility in achieving the nation’s sustainability goals.

Moagi expressed his deep appreciation for BDMA and Solar Power’s contributions, acknowledging their role in strengthening Botswana’s profile as a leader in both the global diamond industry and the energy sector.

He highlighted the mid-stream diamond industry’s success in creating over 4,000 jobs and its commitment to generating thousands more in the future, particularly through their factories, which double as training institutions for aspiring polishers.

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