Clash of Legends donates P80k to needy former athletes

Kitso Ramono
GRATEFUL: Beneficiaries with some of the sponsors

In a heartwarming gesture, the Clash of Legends charity organization has fulfilled its promise by donating proceeds from their recent ‘Clash of Legends’ match between South African and Botswana legends.

The funds were directed to support three former athletes from Botswana Seboloko ‘Naughty’ Khutsafalo, Obuile ‘Oscar’ Ngcenga, and Onkabetse Nkobolo and one South African, Patrick ‘Ace’ Mbuthu, who are currently facing significant health and social challenges.

Each athlete received P20, 000 to help improve their lives through income generating activities, while for Patrick ‘Ace’ Mbuthu, the P20, 000 will assist with medical bills as he deals with eyesight problems.

During the handover of the donation, organizer Skhana ‘Nandos’ Koko urged the beneficiaries to use the funds wisely.

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“I plead with you to use that money wisely, it is not all the time that we will be able to help. We will choose different beneficiaries’ next time. By then, you should have made some investments that will help generate income.”

In expressing gratitude for the support from Clash of Legends, Nkobolo made a heartfelt plea for additional sponsorship.

He urged individuals and companies to support the initiative, highlighting its vital role in assisting those in need. “Thank you to Clash of Legends for making it possible for us to benefit from this event. I call on all sponsors to support Clash of Legends, as they are helping communities, not just themselves. Your support will ensure they can continue entertaining and aiding those in need,” Nkobolo said.

In closing, Koko revealed that the car originally intended to be raffled at the national stadium will now be handed over on September 30th, stating that the delay was caused by the Botswana Communication Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) who issued their licensing late.

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