Be warned!

Christinah Motlhabane
LETLHAKANE STATION COMMANDER: Superintendent Michael Maphephu

Safety tips for the festive season

Festive holidays are the most celebrated in Botswana than any other holiday as it commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Lord and saviour of the Christian faith.

The tradition is for those in the cities to travel to villages to spend a few days with their loved ones and many have already travelled while many more are yet to be on the road.

In View of the above scenario of busy road Letlhakane Station Commander, Superintendent Michael Maphephu offered the safety advice below..

1 When the driver is tired, he or she should park on a safe place and take a rest.
2. Put on your seatbelt.
3.Avoid overloading.
4. Family should not travel in one car; others must use public transport Incase an accident happens
5. Do not overspeed.
6. Obey Road signs…
7. Check if your vehicle is roadworthy before leaving.
8 Do not use cellphones when driving.
9. Leave your house secure, if you can afford hire a private security.
10 Engage your trusted neighbour to always pop in to check your house when you are not around.
11 Install security cameras in your house.
12Do not post details of your trip on social media as it attracts thieves.

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