Mr Sengwaketse was a Botswana National Front Political activist.
In 1975, he became very active under the Botswana National Front Youth League, where he and his comrades studied Marxism-Leninism at their political education study groups.
He was in the group of youth activists whose passports were confiscated by the Botswana Government at Gaborone airport, en-route to study in the USSR. He had great passion for the BNF and remained a loyal member of the party all his life.
Comrade Sengwaketse was not only active in politics, he also fought for worker’s rights under Botswana Mining Workers Union.
He was also a community builder and was a founding member of both Mass Media Construction Band and Carats Soft Ball Club.
He served as a trustee of Debswana Pension Fund for many years.
Comrade Sengwaketse will be laid to rest tomorrow at Ledumang Cemetery (near Glenvalley BDF Camp)
May His Soul Rest in Peace