Celeb edition with Gogo Tiyedze

Daniel Chida

Many know her as Gogo Tiyedze, a popular traditional healer from Themashanga in the North East District who anchors Yarona FM’s afternoon show, Shuddup And Drive every Monday at 1740hrs.

Keamogetse Tiyedze, 29, is not only a healer, but also a qualified professional accountant.

Although based in Francistown she does attend her clients in Gaborone on appointment.

Share with us your day to day work?

My daily routine mainly involves me being a traditional healer that is client consultations and helping people (go thusa batho).

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If am not being a healer, I am consulting as an accountant and also selling clothes.

When did you receive your calling?

I have always grown up as a different child. Signs of the calling have always been there in my childhood.

Last year I fell very sick, lost my job and reached my breaking point, that’s when I finally decided to answer my calling.

Is the calling something you can turn down?

The calling doesn’t give anyone the option to refuse.

If it did, I doubt anyone would have agreed.

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Not accepting the calling brings sickness, depression, financial distress and sometimes suicidal thoughts.

So in the end the pain drives you to accept the calling.

How long did it take to finish the programme?

Different people take different durations in the process of, (go thwasa).

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I personally spent three months going through the process.

How did your partner react?

Fortunately for me, when I accepted my calling I was single.

I didn’t have to deal with the emotions of having a partner’s approval at that time.

I am currently single and focusing on my spiritual work.

I am open to meeting someone who is understanding of my work as a traditional healer.

I believe when the time is right, he will show up.

We have seen traditional healers mostly in South Africa having snakes in their homes, do you have one too?

Sometimes ancestors choose to represent themselves using animals, which is why you would see some sangomas having snakes and other animals.

However some healers keep snakes and other animals for black magic.

I personally don’t have a snake or a spirit animal.

What was your dream job?

I honestly don’t fancy the idea of having a job.

So I don’t really have a dream job.

But my dream is to own a big farm business from which I can produce and sell food.

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Who is your role model?

My role model is my mother.

She is the perfect example of a strong, loving, giving, gracious woman.

If I ever become half the woman she is , I will truly be blessed.

How do you spend your time away from the bones?

If am not being a traditional healer, I live a normal life.

I go out with friends, I read , I spend time with my family.

Who is your crush?

My crush huh? Let’s just say some things are better left unsaid.

Five things people don’t know about you

1. Outside the practice of bongaka, I am very bubbly and playful
2. I don’t have kids
3. I am such a big Mama’s girl
4. I was born and raised in Selibe-Phikwe
5. I trained as a healer in Botswana, ko Ramotswa

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