Wise cue’s smart sound

Grooving in the Ghetto
Wise Cue

Keen to highlight the importance of culture, Wise Cue plans to use the power of song to spread a message that is close to his heart.

The RnB artist has released a new Afro-Pop album titled, ‘Thimbukushu, which means ‘our mother tongue’.

Recorded at Mac Pasi Records in Zambia, fittingly the LP is a multilingual masterpiece truly popping with potential.

“I used to sing in Sembukushu but this time around I mixed it with English and Setswana so my fans can pick a message,” explained the 25-year-old singer born Diwana Chende.

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Dropped on 16 August, the album has been well received, especially in the north of the country where Wise Cue has built an impressive fan base.

RATING: 8/10

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